With the development of our living standard ,we get more and more pocket money from our parents or relatives .But how should we spend it? First of all,you can save it in the bank to cultivate a good habit of save money.when you really need money,you can tae it out.Secondly,you can buy some books on science or arts which bring more knowledge.or,if you are insterested in stamp collecting,music or sports,you can use your pocket money on it.school students may make diffient choices on their pocket money.But never waste it just eating or playing electronic games.
How to spend the pocket money
With the development of our economy, people’s living standard increased a lot. So high school students have more chance getting the pocket money from their parents. As a saying goes: ‘Every coin has two sides.’ The pocket money also has advantage and disadvantage. The advantage is that the students can learn the basic financial knowledge and develop a frugal habit. The disadvantage is the students may waste the money and buy some harmful things. Today, we will talk about how to deal with the pocket money. There are some good suggestions. First, you can deposit your pocket money in the bank. Second, you can buy the books. Third, you can use your pocket money for your hobby, such as music, exercise, stamp collecting and so on. If you have any good suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Recently,we did a survey on how student spend their pocket money among 2000 student.It shows that 48% student spend their pocket money on buying snacks,27% on buying books,17% on playing games and entertaining and 8% on other things.
From the survey ,we kown many students has a bad habit in using their pocket money,and there are some suggests on how to use their money.Firstly,student should sue little money on buying snacks ,which are harmful to their bodies.Secondly,buying and reading more books that will helps them in learn.Thirdly, saving money to use in other aspects.
As one of a students in the middle school,we should know that the money we using comes from our parents,and we must save money .
Recently, a survey has been done on how middle school students spend their pocket money. according to the results, 55% of the students spend their pocket money on their study, such as buying reference books. About 27% use their money for food and drink. While the rest spend their money on entertainment, for example, surfing the Internet and playing PC games.
Since students are consumers, not producers, they should use the pocket money wisely and properly. Buying books or saving money to help those in need is a good way. In addition, it is meaningless and useless to spend much money on unnecessary entertainment.
Anyway, it is not easy for our parents to earn money, so we students should learn to use money carefully.
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