笑話是幽默的一個屬概念 ,具有幽默的一切特徵。笑話是民族特有幽默的一種形式。下面是小編帶來的短篇英語對話笑話,歡迎閱讀!
Psychological test 心理測試
A new firm arranged to employ a secretary. The manager decided1 to hold a psychological2test for choosing a good one.
Three girls had applied3 for the post. They should be examined by a psychologist.
The psychologist said to the first girl, "Now listen carefully. What do three and three make?" the girl quickly replied "Six", then the examiner told her to wait in the next room.
The second girl was asked the same question. She hesitated for a while, suspecting something was planned, then she said jokingly: "Well, it might be thirty-three." Then she was also told to wait in the next room.
The third girl was still asked the same question. She took her time and answered: "Might be thirty-three or six." The psychologist was well pleased and said to the manager: "The first girl gave the obvious answer. The second one suspected me of tricking her. The third one had it going both way. Now, which one would you have?"
Unwelcome visitors 不受歡迎的訪問者
A man said to his friend, "I'm bothered with time-wasting callers1." His friend said, "Why don't you try my plan to deal with them."
"What is it?" he asked. His friend said: "When the bell rings, I put on my hat and gloves before I open the door. If it proves to be someone I don't want to see, I simply say 'So sorry, I'm just going out!'"
He asked again: "If it's some one you want to see?" his friend replied: "Oh ,then I say: 'So fortunate, I've just come in.'"
Mr Brown and his Car 布朗先生和他的汽車
Mr.Brown lives in a small town, but then he gets a job in a big city and moves there with hiswife1 and his two children. On the first Sunday in their new home, Brown takes his new car out of the garage2 and washes it. A neighbor3 comes by. When he sees Brown's new car, the neighbor stops and looks at it for a minute. Then Brown turns and sees him.
The neighbor says, "That's a nice car. Is it yours?" "Sometimes." Brown answers.
The neighbor is surprised4. "Sometimes?" he says. "What do you mean?"
"Well," answers Brown slowly5, "When there is a party in the town, it belongs6 to my daughter, Jane. When there is a football game somewhere7, it belongs to my son, Joe. When I've washes it, and it is really nice and clean, then it belongs to my wife. And when it needsgas8, it's mine."
Congratulations 恭喜
"I'd like you to come right over," a man phoned an undertaker***承辦人***, " and supervise the burial of my poor, departed wife."
"Your wife!" gasped1 the undertaker, "Didn't I bury her two years ago?"
"You don't understand," said the man, "You see I married again."
"Oh," said the undertaker, "Congratulations!"
“噢”, 老闆說,“恭喜恭喜!”
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