A:Hey Michael. Where are you going?
B:No where special. I was just taking a walk.
A:What for?
B:To get a little exercise. I'm so out of shape.
A:Hey, I play basketball with a bunch of friends twice a week. It's great exercise and it's fun too. Why don't you come out and play with us?
B:That sounds great. Give me a call next time you guys play.
A:Hey Michael. Where are you going?
B:No where special. I was just taking a walk.
A:What for?
B:To get a little exercise. I'm so out of shape.
A:Hey, I play basketball with a bunch of friends twice a week. It's great exercise and it's fun too. Why don't you come out and play with us?
B:That sounds great. Give me a call next time you guys play.
A:All I do all day is work and watch TV. I really should start thinking about my health.
B:I never thought about that, but you're right. What do you think we should do?
A:For starters, we should start doing more outdoor activities. That way we'll get some exercise.
B:I was thinking about taking tennis lessons. I always have an hour to spare in the afternoon. What do you think about that?
A:That's not a bad idea. How much is it?
B:I heard it is only about one hundred twenty dollars a month for 8 lessons.
A:Playing tennis twice a week will be a good start. Count me in.
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