英語作為交流的工具被廣泛適用,在我們的生活中佔有重要地位。在英語課堂中,對話將知識技能應用於生活,能培養學生的語言交際能力,所以 導、聽、讀、說、練 五字英語對話教學法是整個英語教學中的重要組成部分之一。小編整理了初中英語對話,歡迎閱讀!
B:Hello, Tom. This is Don. How are you?
A:Oh, hi, Don. Just great. How have you been?
B:Fine. Listen, Jerry and I wanted to go to a movie tomorrow night, but we don’t have a way to get there. If you drive, we’ll buy the tickets, How about it?
A:Well, it sounds like fun, but actually I’ve really got a lot of homework to do.
B:Oh, come on, Tom. It’ll be fun. It’s only a few hours. It’ll help you relax. You’ll study better!
A:I really can’t. I’ve got an English exam on Monday and a book report due on Tuesday that I’m really getting nervous about. I don’t think I’d enjoy it much. But thanks a lot for thinking of me. Sorry I can’t help you out.
B:Oh, don’t worry about it. Maybe next time. Good luck on your exam. We’ll be thinking of you!
A:Thanks. See you.
B:Ok, Bye.
A:What are you wearing that outfit for? You really look ridiculous.
B:That’s all I can tolerate! Catch you later.
A:Ok, don’t get upset. Look, we just hang around here…it is the best spot to look for chicks.
B:What do I do if one gives me the eye?
A:Just go up and talk to her. It’s not a big problem!
B:Absolutely not! I’d chicken out. Don’t you ever get scared of girls?
A:Never! I’ll get you a drink…with ice. How does that sound?
B:Oh, great. I’ll get totally drunk, walk right up to her then vomit on her foot. Do we have to stay here?
A:Calm down! We’re staying here all night.
B:Look! Isn’t that girl who had a mad crush on you, you know, the one you blew off in order to take out her roommate?
A:Oh, no, if she finds me here, I’m dead. She’s coming this way! Yikes! Let’s get out of here.
B:Hold on! What was that about never being scared of a chick?
A:Only the kind that can’t beat me up. Come on, let’s move.
A:Don’t you think it would be an idea to name the ship Dolphin?
B:All right, if that would make you happy.
A:So you’ve got something on your mind, I guess.
B:Well, nothing really serious.
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