"You will he pleased with me today. mother.” said Dick to his mother, home from school. "I go to school by bus 1 ran all the way after it.
“Well,” said his mother laughing, "Next time you should run after a taxi,you will save much more.”
Here' s a true story related to me by my mother, which she says happened to one of her neighbors in a Venezuelan oil camp in the 50’s:It seems that a certain woman kept the ashes of her dearly departed father in a silver box on a table. One day,after not having looked at her "father" for a long time, she opened the box and was horrified to discover it was nearly empty! Furious, she accosted the maid and demanded to know," have you touched this box'?" Whereupon the maid protested "I didn’t think you’d mind! After all,it’s very poor duality snuff.”
A doctor is going about his business, with a rectal thermometer tucked behind his ear. Hegoes into a staff meeting to discuss the day’s activities, when a co一worker asks why he has a thermometer behind his ear. In a wild motion he grabs for the thermometer, looks at it and exclaims, "Damn,some asshole has my pen!”
A poor little lonely old lady lived in a house with only her cat as a friend. One day, the lights went out as she sat knitting; she had been unable to pay the electric bill. So, she went up to the suit and got an old oil lamp from her childhood. As she rubbed it clean a genie appeared and allowed her three wishes.
"First, I want to be so rich I never have to worry about money again.”
"Second, I want to be young and beautiful again.”
"And Last,I want you to change my little cat into a handsome prince.”
As the smoke cleared she saw she was surrounded by big bags of coins, and that in the mirror was a young beautiful woman. She turned as the handsome prince walked in the door, held her in his arms and said, "Now I'11 bet you're sorry you took me to the vet for that little operation.”
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