Tiresias was a blind,darkseeing prophet of Thebes.Hewas struck with blindness in his youth,because he had spied unwittingly on the goddess Athena.He was wandering in the woods one day when quite unexpectedly he saw anaked maiden bathing in a placid lake .Little did he know that he had offended the virgin goddess.Taken unaware and scarlet with wrath,the goddess exclaimed that whoever had the boldness to steal a glance at her naked body was doomed to perpetual blindness.But when she learned later that the offence was unintentional ,it was too late for her to take back what she had said.Taking pity on the poor youth for the loss of his sight,she obtained from Zeus an exceptional long life for him,and from Apollo a divine power of prophecy.Besides,she provided him with a marvellous sharpness of ear,so that he could under stand the voices of all birds.And she filled his mind with mystic knowledge of things past and of things to come.In short shegave him quite an amount of her own wisdom.He was the firstto recognise and welcome Dionysus,god of feast and wine,on the The ban land.When the infant Heracles caught Hera's two serpents in its hands,it was Tiresias who cast the child's fortune and revealed the divine origin and destiny of the boy .When Oedipus abused Tiresias as having had a hand in themurder of Laius,Tiresias had the fearless courage to tell thetruth that Oedipus was the murderer.Even in the lower world he continued to prophesy.There he helped Odysseus when the hero came to him for advice.Alive,he was highly respected byall;dead,he enjoyed the generous air and rosy light in the land of the Blest.
Phaeton was the son of Apollo by Clymene.The mother had filled the lad's head with so many stories of his father's glory that the youth was quite proud.Wher ever he went he told those stories again and again until everybody was tired of him.On one occasion,when one of his playmates asked him to show his skill of coming down from sky,he felt quite hard to do it.He came back to his mother and told the unhappy event in tears.Unable to do anything for him,she sent her soneast wards to pray to Apollo for help.
The sungod graciously received his son and heard the story with interest.Then he took an oath by the Styx ,ready to give help according to the boy's request.But he was surprised to hear that the boy's hope was to drive his fiery carriage.He told his son of the dangers on the way,but failed to stop him fromthe try.As the god had sworn by the Styx there was no going back on his word.In his desperate effort to avoid disaster,Apollo warned his son to keep to the middle course and stop the horses in time.
Phaeton joyfully jumped on the carriage and set off.Very soon he lost his way.he grew pale at the great height and the vast sky in front of him and behind.The horses ran wild.Unable to hold them,Phaeton dropped them in fear.Straight downto the earth the carriage dashed.Rivers were dried up.Cropshung down and withered .Men's cries of suffering rose up from the burnt earth.The enraged Zeus soon found the cause of the trouble,and without hesitation gave one of his most powerful thunderbolts at the proud and careless boy.Phaeton droppedstraight down into a river.Both parents were sad over the loss of their son.And his sisters,who were so unhappy with his untimely death,were changed into poplars and their tearsambers .
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