下面是小編整理的如何留下良好第一印象 職場英語,歡迎大家閱讀!
Each time you pick up the phone and chat with a new person, that stranger is subconciously judging you from your first "hello." Don't get mad: you, too, are judging them. New research indicates that we begin to form first impressions based on how someone says "hello," ScienceNOW reports—specifically, on how the tone of their voice sounds.
Researchers in the U.K. recruited around 60 undergraduate students—half male, half female—and recorded them reading a short passage in a non-descript voice, ScienceNOW describes. The team edited down the recordings, leaving only the part where the students picked up the phone and said "hello." They then asked over 300 other students to listen to the recordings of that single word and asked to give an impression of the unseen person speaking it, such as how trustworthy they thought that person was or how warm their personality sounded. ***ScienceNOW provides links for listening to both a supposedly trustworthy and an untrustworthy person say "hello."***
《今日科學》報道稱,英國的研?a href='//' target='_blank'>咳嗽鋇韃檎吖陀昧?0名本科生——其中男女各一半——請他們用非描述性聲音朗讀一小段話,並錄音。調查團隊對錄音進行剪輯,只留下學生拿起電話說“你好”那部分。然後,他們另外邀請了300多名學生聽“哈羅”的錄音,請他們給出對這個尚未謀面的說話者的印象,例如此人是否可靠或者性格是否溫和。***《今日科學》提供連結,讓人聽聽被猜想為是可靠和不可靠的人是如何說“哈羅”的***。
The students didn't hesitate to make judgements about the speakers at the other end of the line, and on average their assessments of those individuals' personalities converged, ScienceNOW reprots. Here's more on those findings:
Men who raised the tone of their voices, and women who alternated the pitch of their voices were rated as more trustworthy. Men with lower pitched voices were generally perceived as more dominant. But the opposite was true for women: Those with higher average pitch were rated as more dominant.
Our vocal tones, the resarchers conclude, are just one more trait on the list of things we are judged by—and use to judge—each time we encounter a new person, even if we have no control over some of those traits.
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