You never get a second chance to make a first impression, so how are you at making a good first impression in English?
Being able to make a FLUENT first impression doesn’t have to be as hard as you think. The beauty of first impressions is that we already know 3 things that are going to happen in the conversation, a greeting/hello, an introduction, and a goodbye/farewell. If you can memorize and even script these 3 situations, then you bound to make a fluent first impression every time.
For me, learning to speak Portuguese has been a difficult journey, and very intimidating when meeting new people. At the beginning I always worried about making a mistake during an introduction, offending someone, or making a bad first impression in general.About 4 months into my learning experience, I decided to learn and memorize every possible greeting, introduction and goodbye I could think of. Suddenly, I felt invincible and a lot more natural when meeting new people. My Portuguese didn’t sound so robotic, and surprisingly enough I was just saying the same words in the same situations over and over again. From my fluent first impressions, people were complimenting me on how natural my Portuguese was, even though I had only greeted them, introduced myself and used a few ice breaking techniques.
Using these techniques of having a fluent first impression, made me feel more confident and relaxed when speaking and it pushed me to work harder on improving my fluency in all areas of the language.
In this article you are going to learn how to make a FLUENT first impression in English based on these 3 most important aspects you’re going to be faced with every time, greetings/hellos, introductions/ ice breakers and goodbyes.
一. Greetings/ Hellos 問好篇
-“Hi, How are you?”
-“Fine thanks, and you?”
-“Good, thanks for asking.”
這聽起是不是自然多了?那麼, UP TO是什麼意思呢?
up to這個用法是do的同義詞。我們在英文口語中使用它因為它是一個不正式的表達方法。當我用“what have you been up to?”這種方式來問候別人時,我實際是在問他們最近在忙什麼呢。
“Hey mate, what have you been up to?”
“Ah, the same old, studying, surfing, going out, having some drinks with friends.”
“Have you been playing guitar?”
“yeah I’ve been playing a few times a week.”
“You been watching the football?”
“Nah, I don’t really like watching football.”
二. Introductions/ Ice breakers介紹/打破僵局篇
So, where are you from?
Is your family from here/there?
What did you think of the soccer last night?
What do you think of this place/the beer/the music here?
Don’t you just hate waiting in line/this music/the noise?
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