超簡短英語詩歌:A slash of Blue
A slash of Blue --
A sweep of Gray --
Some scarlet patches on the way,
Compose an Evening Sky --
A little purple -- slipped between --
Some Ruby Trousers hurried on --
A Wave of Gold --
A Bank of Day --
This just makes out the Morning Sky.
超簡短英語詩歌:I should not dare to leave my friend
I should not dare to leave my friend,
Because -- because if he should die
While I was gone -- and I -- too late --
Should reach the Heart that wanted me --
If I should disappoint the eyes
That hunted -- hunted so -- to see --
And could not bear to shut until
They "noticed" me -- they noticed me --
If I should stab the patient faith
So sure I'd come -- so sure I'd come --
It listening -- listening -- went to sleep --
Telling my tardy name --
My Heart would wish it broke before --
Since breaking then -- since breaking then --
Were useless as next morning's sun --
Where midnight frosts -- had lain!
超簡短英語詩歌:The thought beneath so slight a film
The thought beneath so slight a film --
Is more distinctly seen --
As laces just reveal the surge --
Or mists -- the Apennine
超簡短英語詩歌:Come slowly -- Eden!
Lips unused to Thee --
Bashful -- sip thy Jessamines --
As the fainting Bee --
Reaching late his flower,
Round her chamber hums --
Counts his nectars --
Enters -- and is lost in Balms.
超簡短英語詩歌:I never saw a moor
I never saw a Moor--
I never saw the Sea--
Yet know I how the Heather looks
And what a Billow be.
I never spoke with God
Nor visited in Heaven--
Yet certain am I of the spot
As if the Checks were given--
一定會到那個地方 。
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