


  中國因其國寶***national treasure***—熊貓—而聞名於世。熊貓的食物竹子—也深受中國人民的喜愛。中國是世界上擁有竹子最多的國家,被稱為竹子的王國。竹文化長久以來深深根植於中國人的思想中。對中國人民來說,竹子是美德的象徵。它反映了人的靈魂和情感。中國古代的學者對竹子非常敬重。這就解釋了為什麼歷史上有那麼多的著作和繪畫都是以竹為主題的。


  China is worldwide famous for its national treasure, the pandas.The panda's food, bamboo, isalso favored by Chinese people.It is known as the Kingdom of Bamboo possessing morebamboos than any other country in the world. Bamboo culture has been rooted in Chinesepeople's minds for a long time.To the Chinese people, bamboo is a symbol of virtue, whichreflects people's souls and emotions.Ancient Chinese scholars looked up with great respect tobamboo.This explains why there are so many writings and paintings dedicated to the plantthroughout history.


  1.中國因其國寶—熊貓—而聞名於世:“因...而聞名於世”可譯為be worldwide famous for,也可用beworldwide known for來表示。類似的表達方式還有be known/famous as***作為...而出名***,befamous/known to***對...來說很出名***。

  2.中國是世界上擁有竹子最多的國家,被稱為竹子的王國:前半句可以理解為“中國有比世界上任何國家都多的竹子”。後半句的“被稱為”可譯為be known as。“竹子的王國”可譯為the Kingdom of Bamboo。

  3.對中國人民來說,竹子是美德的象徵:“象徵”可譯為symbol, a symbol of意為 “某物的象徵”。

  4.中國古代的學者對竹子非常敬重:“中國古代的學者”可譯為ancient Chinese scholars。“對...非常敬重”可譯為look up with great respect to.", look up to表示“尊敬”,with great respect表示“滿懷敬意”。


  中華老字號***China centuries-old/time-honored brands***是指那些歷史悠久並擁有良好信譽的中國企業。這些企業往往具有鮮明的中華民族傳統文化特徵,擁有高品質的產品、技藝或服務,取得廣泛的社會認同。同仁堂***Tongrentang***和全聚德***Quanjude***均屬北京的老字號。同仁堂創建於1669年,其藥品以優良的傳統工藝和顯著的療效享譽海內外。以北京烤鴨聞名的全聚德創建於1864年,是中國著名的飯店。


  1.第1句中的定語“歷史悠久並擁有良好信譽的”較長,故將其處理成定語從句Which have a long history aswell as a good reputation,也可用介詞短語 with a long history and a good reputation 來表達。


  3.倒數第2句“同仁堂創建於1669年,其藥品......”可用並列結構譯出:Tongrentang was founded in1669, and its medical products...。“以優良的傳統工藝和顯著的療效”用介詞短語for excellenttraditional manufacturing techniques and good effects 來表達。

  4.在最後一句中,將“是中國著名的飯店”處理成主幹:Quanjude is a famous restaurant in China。將“以北京烤鴨聞名的全聚德創建於1864年”處理成兩個並列的狀語,“創建於1864年的”和“以北京烤鴨聞名的”, 按照時間邏輯關係,用分詞短語譯出 Founded in 1864 and well-known for its Beijing roast ducks。


  China time-honored brands refer to the Chinese companies which have 汪 long history as well asa good reputation. With distinct characteristics of traditional Chinese culture, they getextensive public recognition by offering good-quality products, techniques or services. BothTongrentang and Quanjude are the time-honored brands in Beijing. Tongrentang was foundedin 1669,and its medical products have enjoyed a good reputation both at home and abroadfor excellent traditional manufacturing techniques and good effects. Founded in 1864 and well-known for its Beying roast ducks, Quanjude is a famous restaurant in China.