A young mole once boasted to his mother that he could see. Now the mother knew very wellthat all moles are blind: they live in dark underground burrows and do not need to see wherethey are going. She decided to find out whether the young mole was lying and she prepared atest. She laid a lump of sweet-smelling soap in front of him.
“Now, what do you see?”she asked.
The young mole touched the hard soap gently with his nose.
“A stone, mother,”he said.
The mother laughed.
“You are not only blind like the rest of us,”she said,“but you have no sense of smell either. Ifyou had not boasted about being able to see I would never have found out about that.”
A long time ago, there lived a very poor but hard working boy in a small suburb. His father wasso ill that he became bed ridden. To earn a living, the boY woke up early in the morning andwent into the jungIe to chop wood for sale in the suburb.
one particular day, the boy carded his axe and went into the jungle as usual. When he wasnear a lake, he saw a big tree.
He climbed up the tree and tried to chop som6 branches. Suddenly his axe slipped and fell intothe lake The boy started crying because he had lost the one tool he needed to earn his living.
Suddenly the water surface rippled and an old man appeared. Seeing that the boy wasfrightened, he said, “My boy, please do not be afraid.
Tell me why you are crying so Sadly. ""My axe dropped into the water. I need it to earn a livingto care for my Sickly father. ""Let me search for it, " said the old man. Then he disappeared intothe water and the lake became calm again. After a while, the water surface tippled again and theold man' reappeared.
In his hand was a shining golden axe. 'Is this your axe?" asked the old man." This axe isbeautiful but it is not mine, " Said the boy."Well, let me go in and search once more." The oldman disappeared into the water again.
A moment later, he reappeared. This time, he was holding a silver axe."Is this your axe?" askedthe old man."No, mine is just an ordinary one, not made of gold or silver, "replied the boy."Alltight, let me go in and search again." He then disappeared into the water. He reappeared thistime carrying the boy's axe."Yes, yes, that is minel" shouted the boy excitedly.
The old man said, "M、, dear boy, I am so pleased that you are such an honest person. I amgiving the golden and silver axes to you.
You can then find a good doctor and I am sure your father will recover very soon." The old manthen disappeared into the water. The boy sold both the axes. With the money, he managed tofind a good doctor and soon cured his father of his illness.
There once was a little boy who had a bad temper .His father gave him a bag of nails and toldhim that erevy time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence.
The first day,the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence.Over the next few weeks,as he learnedto control his anger.the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down.Hediscovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails to the fence.
Finally the day came when the boy didn’t lose his temper at all.He told his father about it andthe father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to holdhis temper.
The days passed by and the boy finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone.
The father took his son by the hand and led him to the hence.
He said,"You have done well,my son,but look at the holes in the hence.The hence will never thesame.
When you say something in anger ,they leave a scar just like this one.You can put a knife in aman and draw it out.It won’t matter how many things you say I’m sorry the wound is still there.
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