The Fisherman and the little fish
There once was a fisherman who lived in a little house by the ocean. He fished every day to feed his family. One day, he caught nothing except one small fish. "This isn't much," thought the fisherman, "but it's better than nothing."
The little fish hopped around in the net and cried out to the fisherman. "Please return me to the water!" he said. "I'm too small to be a good dinner. Someday, I'll be big and fat. You could catch me then and feed your family for a week!"
The fisherman listened as the fish spoke. He knew his family would love a big, fat fish.
But he also knew that the ocean was very big. If he threw the fish back, he would never find it again.
"Little fish," he said, "I would be a fool to put you back. You'll only be a small meal for my family, but at least they will have food. I cannot feed them with silly dreams!"
Appreciate the small things that you have. Don't give them up to chase impossible things.
The Mosquito and the Lion
A mosquito went up to a lion and said, “Everyone says you are the strongest animal in the world.”
“That’s right,” said the lion. “I am big and strong, and I have sharp teeth.”
“Well, I’m not afraid of you,” said the mosquito. “I am going to fight you, and I am going to win!”
“You could never win,” laughed the lion. “I am a thousand times stronger than you.”
“Here I come!” cried the mosquito, and he flew toward the lion’s face.
The mosquito landed on the lion's nose and bit him again and again. The lion tried to sink his teeth into the mosquito, but the mosquito was too small.
"I give up!" said the lion. "Please don't bite me anymore."
"I won!" shouted the mosquito as he flew away. But he didn't look where he was going and he became trapped in a spider's web.
"How strange," thought the mosquito. "I defeated a lion, but a tiny spider can defeat me."
The Bundle of Sticks
An old farmer had two sons who fought with each other all the time. The old farmer often told them to stop fighting, but they never listened to him.
So one day, he asked his sons to bring him a bundle of sticks. “Can you break these sticks in half?” he asked his youngest son.
“Of course,” said his youngest son. “Those sticks are thin. I can break them like straw!” He took the sticks from his father, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t break them.
“Of course he failed,” said the other son. “He is young and weak. I will succeed because I am oldest and the strongest.”
The oldest son then took the sticks, but he couldn’t break them, either.
Then the father took out two sticks from the bundle and handed one to his sons. “Can you break them now?” he asked. And of course they could.
“You can learn an important lesson from these sticks,” the farmer said to his sons. “Together, you are strong, but when you are alone, you can be broken easily.”
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