A king was embarked on board a ship, which also carried a slave.
The boy had never been at sea, nor experienced the inconvenience of a ship.
He set up a weeping and wailing, and all his limbs were in a state of trepidation, and, howevermuch they soothed him, he was not to be pacified.
The king’s pleasure party was disconcerted by him; but they offered no help.
On board that ship there was a physician. He said to the king; “If you will order it, I canmanage to silence him.”
The king replied, “It will be an act of great favor.”
The physician directed that they throw the boy into the sea, and after he had plungedrepeatedly, they seized him by hair of the head and drew him close to be ship,
where he grabbed the rudder with both hands and, scrambling up on to the deck, slunk into acorner and sat down quiet.
The king, pleased with what he saw, said, “What art is there in this?”
The physician replied, “Originally he had not experienced the danger of being drowned, andundervalued the safety of being in a ship;
just as a person is aware of the preciousness of health only when he is overtaken with thecalamity of sickness.”
A little mouse living on a farm was looking through a crack in the wall one day and saw thefarmer and his wife opening a package.
The mouse was intrigued by what food the package may contain. He was aghast to discoverthat it was a mousetrap. The mouse ran to the farmyard warning everyone: “There is amousetrap in the house, there is a mousetrap in the house.”
The chick raised his head and said, “Mr. Mouse, I can tell you this trap is a grave concern toyou, but it has no consequence to me and I cannot be bothered with it.”
The mouse turned to the pig, “I am so sorry Mr. Mouse, but the trap is no concern of mineeither!” the pig said.
The mouse then turned to the bull, “It sounds like you have a problem, Mr. Mouse, but notone that concerns me.” the bull said.
The mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected that no one would help him or hasconcerned about his dilemma.
He knew he had to face the trap on his own. That night the sound of a trap catching its preywas heard throughout the house. The farmer’s wife rushed to see what was caught. In thedarkness she could not see that it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught.
The snake bit the farmer’s wife. The wife caught a bad fever and the farmer knew the best wayto treat a fever was with chicken soup. The farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard to get thesoup’s main ingredient.
The wife got sicker and friends and neighbors came by to take turns sitting with her round theclock. The farmer knew he had to feed them, so he butchered the pig.
The farmer’s wife did not get better, in fact she died and so many friends and family came toher funeral that the farmer had to slaughter the bull to feed all of them.
So the next time we hear that one of our teammates is facing a problem and think it does notconcern or effect us, let us remember that when any one of us is in trouble, we are all at risk.
Life is a celebration. Be happy and make others happy.
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