俄羅斯麻煩不斷 Russia Got Many Troubles
When people talk about Russia, their first impression is that this is a fighting country, people there are very strong to protect themselves. But Russia’s got in a lot of troubles recently, the government had a bad relationship with America, thus it has been detroyed by America on many sides. Many people think that the players in Russia were banned to take part in matches were also part of the strategem.
After contradiction between the Russian government and American government happened, many sport players in Russia were charged of taking the illegal medicine. Mariah Sharapova was one of them. She is the most famous players in Russia and she got fans all around the world. Though Mariah had explained why she took the wrong medicine, she still missed the chance to take part in the important match. The biggest news was that the Russian tennis team nearly missed the Olympic Games for the many of them did not pass the new rules of the urinalysis.
The good news is that Russian tennis team finally got the qualification of the big game. Many people think it is the policy that make these players suffer these charge. But the fact is that many player used the wrong medicine.
年紀輕輕成為父母好嗎 Are Young Parents Good
When students graduate from college and their parents start to worry about their future. The parents always want their kids to marry soon, so that they can be the grandparents. Nowadays, some students choose to marry and be the young parents. But I don’t think it is a good idea.
On the one hand, young parents are not mature. It has been reported that the highest divorce rate happens among young couple, because they are easy to have fights on the small issues. Once they can’t find a way to solve, they will have the idea to be apart. Young couples are reckless, it is not the perfect time for them to be parents.
On the other hand, as they are young, they lack of the experience to take care of the children. When the kids have some problems, they don’t know how to deal with and are easy to get panic. it is important to know how to nurse a kid and then educate them in the right way.
It is better for the young people to fight for their future and when they get mature, they can be the qualified parents.
正面的偶像 The Positive Idol
With the development of Internet, people can get the instant news and many people keep their eyes on the hot news, which makes other people get famous easily. As the saying that good news will not be spread while the bad news will, people get famous by presenting the immoral acts and the audience promotes it. We need the positive idols.
Looking back on the hot figures these years, we can find that Internet provides people a large stage to get fame, there is no doubt that the fastest way to catch people’s attention is to attact others by rude words. The audience really loves to see it, they enjoy seeing people acting impolitely. People ignore appreciating the truth and beauty, they are the supporters of vulgar culture.
As our society is in the stage of transition, the new value has not been formed, so people are lost in it. They chase after the vulgar culture just to show the unsatisfaction of the society. Chasing idol is everybody’s right, but a idol should stand for the postive sides, or there is meaningless to do it.
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