Y: Good afternoon, sir. Please wait for a moment.
G: Good afternoon. May I ask what the matter is?
Y: Will you please show me your passport,Custom declaration,invoice and related documents?
楊:請出示一下你的護照、報關單、發票 及相關檔案好嗎?
G: Of course. Here you are.
Y: After carefully looking Your files are very comprehensive, and there is no problem. But your goods belong to the bonded goods, not duty-free goods. Have you payed the duty yet?
楊:看過後你的檔案很全面,沒什麼 問題。但你這是屬於保稅貨物,不 是免稅貨物,你交過關稅了嗎?
G: Yes. But there is one thing I don't understand. Why some goods are bonded goods, while others are duty-free goods?
喬治:是的。但我有一點不明白,為什麼 有的是保稅貨物,而有些是免稅貨 物呢?
Y: In fact, every country is like this. Because Custom declaration is one of the most important links of import and export trade, the quality of Custom declaration services relates directly to import and export goods customs passing speed, the enterprise's operating costs and economic efficiency, and the customs administrative efficiency. It's the suppressive some trade or simulative some trade measures a country take to collect duty or not.
楊:其實每個國家都是這樣的。由於報 關是進出□貿易的重要環節之一, 報關業務的質量直接關係著進出口 貨物的通關速度,企業的經營成本 和經濟效益、海關的行政效率。有 些交稅而有些不用交,是國家採取 的抑制部分貿易或促進某些貿易的 措施。
G: I understand Customs activities are actually closely related with a country's foreign trade policies and regulations, right?
喬治:我明白了。報關活動其實與國家的 對外貿易政策法規是密切相關的。 是吧?
Y: Exactly. Is this your first time to come to China?
楊:正是這樣。這是你第一次來到中國 嗎?
G: Yes. But in fact I wanted to come much earlier. I'm happy that I have the chance finally.
喬治:是的。其實我早就想來了。很高興 這一次終於有機會。
Y: Wish you have a good time in China. You can pass now.
楊:祝你在中國玩得開心。你可以過去 了。
G: Thank you. Bye-bye.
Y: See you.
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