cook ; prepare a meal
網 絡cook;cook dinner;cooking;cook the meals
We dismissed the cook because her cooking was so poor.
Almost one fifth of men say they do not cook at all.
After the dismissal of the cook we have to make our meals ourselves.
I have to buy some kitchen utensils before starting cooking.
He cooks his meal with a gas stove.
I am busy cooking dinner.
Cooking dinner for the entire family is not so easy.
I like learning how to cook and sew.
You must replace the gas bottle before cooking supper tonight.
1. Rose was a poor cook and a worse mother. 羅絲不太會做飯,更不會當母親。
2. It is important to get the coals white-hot before you start cooking. 很重要的一點是要把煤塊燒到白熱狀再開始做飯。
3. If I've had a bad day I'll work it off by cooking. 我要是哪天不順心,就去做飯排解一下。
4. Who will then do the cooking, the washing, the mending? 那麼,誰來做飯、洗衣、縫補呢?
5. With them also lived Mary Burinda, who cooked and cleaned. 和他們同住的還有瑪麗·伯琳達,她負責做飯和打掃衛生。
6. I thought that cooking and housekeeping were unimportant, easy tasks. 我認為做飯和料理家務微不足道,一下子就能搞定。
7. The self-catering flats are usually reserved for postgraduate students. 可以自己做飯的公寓一般留給研究生住。
8. My mum used to help cook the meals for the children. 我媽媽過去常幫忙給孩子做飯。
9. I'll cook and you read the paper. 我做飯,你看報紙。
10. Tania cooked, served, and cleared away. 塔妮婭做飯,上菜,還收拾了餐具。
11. They do their own cooking, spinning, and woodworking. 他們自己做飯,紡線,做木工活。
12. Everybody shares in the cooking chores. 每個人都幫著做飯。
13. Tonight it's my turn to cook. 今晚該我做飯了。
14. My husband does all the cooking. 我丈夫把做飯全包了下來。
15. He likes to cook in the open air. 他喜歡在外面做飯。
16. If you cook, I'll do the washing-up . 如果你做飯,我就洗碗。
17. He put the lunch on immediately after he came home. 一回到家他就開始做飯.
18. Let's dine out tonight. I'm too tired to cook. 我太累了,不想做飯, 今晚咱們到外面吃吧.
19. Cooking, cleaning and ironing seven days a week. What a life ! 一週七天,天天做飯 、 打掃、熨衣服. 這是什麼鬼日子!
20. I vowed to do more of the cooking myself. 我發誓自己要多動手做飯.
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