[醫] experimentalize
網 絡Do an experiment;experiment;experiments;doing experiments
The students will have an experiment in the laboratory tomorrow.
We will make an assay of the ore that he brought.
Many people object to experimentation on animals.
1. In 1857 Mendel started experimenting with peas in his monastery garden. 1857年,孟德爾開始在修道院的菜園裡用豌豆做實驗。
2. a petition against experiments on animals 反對用動物做實驗的請願書
3. They make experiments with ants. 他們用螞蟻做實驗.
4. She taught us how to conduct experiments. 她教我們做實驗.
5. She assisted him in his experiments. 她協助他做實驗.
6. When experiments are to be made, one cannot rely too much upon the humansenses to make accurate observation. 在做實驗時, 不能過分依靠人類的感覺去做精確的觀察.
7. Work will now begin to test the hypothesis in rats. 現在將開始在老鼠身上做實驗以驗證該假設。
8. The students show various degrees of skill in doing the experiments. 學生們做實驗時,表現出各種不同程度的技巧.
9. More sensitive but necessarily more complex and bulky detectors could beemployed. 還可以採用更加靈敏的,當然也一定更復雜的大體積探測器來做實驗.
10. These particular photographs were taken during an undergraduatelaboratory session. 這些具體的照片是在實驗室中學生做實驗時拍攝的.
11. Many people object to experimentation on animals. 許多人反對用動物做實驗.
12. Where to do this experiment is still unknown. 在什麼地方做實驗還不知道.
13. Students defendant know must accurately do the experiment. 學生們被告知必須準確地做實驗.
14. Testing in such conditions was no easy matter. 要在這樣的條件下做實驗談何容易.
15. He did experiments in his spare time. 他在業餘時間做實驗.
16. One question yet remained to be decided is to choose a favourable spot for the experiment. 一個有待解決的問題是必須選擇一個適合做實驗的地方.
17. We experimented by putting oil and water together, and we saw that they didnot mix. 我們把油和水放在一起做實驗, 結果看到它們不相溶合.
18. Scientists always check statements and make experiments carefully andobjectively to verify them. 科學家不斷地檢驗各種觀點,細心而客觀地做實驗,以便進行論證.
19. But we were the first to test It'submicroscopically. 但是我們是首先給那裡的水用亞微觀方法做實驗的人.
20. After assay, we have known the composition of the ore. 我們將對他帶來的礦石做實驗鑑定.
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