網 絡footballer;soccer player;football player;soccer players
1. Bill idolizes his big brother, who is a professional footballer. 比爾非常崇拜他哥哥, 他哥哥是個職業足球員.
2. If you train hard, you will make a good footballer. 如果你加緊鍛鍊, 你就會成為一個好足球員.
3. Amos Alonzo Stagg played and coached football for 71 years. 愛默斯?阿隆佐?史塔哥擔任足球員與足球教練長達71年之久.
4. Some fans seem to regard footballers as divine beings. 有些球迷似乎把足球員給神化了.
5. Johnson: As a kid who was your favorite footballer? 約翰遜: 誰是你在小時候最喜愛的足球員?
6. The football player was placed on the inactive list. 該名足球員的名字被列在不上場名單.
7. The professional footballer who also play cricket is a rare bird nowadays. 職業足球員也打板球的現在很少見了.
8. The football player dressed like a chorus girl was comical. 一個足球員穿得像歌舞團中的女孩是滑稽的.
9. Football players at Giants Stadium in New Jersey run on old sneakers. 六、在美國新澤西州的巨人運動場,足球員在舊運動鞋上奔跑.
10. The football player fell and dislocated his shoulder. 那名足球員跌倒而使他的肩膀脫臼.
11. Whos is the best in soccer at school! 誰在學校裡是最好的足球員!
12. Pele holds a place among the greatest soccer players of the twentiethcentury. 球王貝利在二十世紀的最佳足球員當中佔有一席之地.
13. There are scores of different kinds of football shoes which can satisfydifferent players. 這裡有不同款式的足球鞋,能滿足不同球員的需求.
14. What remain between the player in football game and ball is football shoe. 在足球比賽中球員與球之間剩下的就是足球鞋了.
15. The FA confirm there will be no charges against Chelsea players for the post - Tottenham mess. 足總確認沒有任何切爾西球員會因為托特納姆賽後的混亂而被譴責.
16. He was also a strong contender award's FA Cup third round draw atReading. 同時他還是本賽季足總盃客場戰平雷丁隊發揮最好的球員之一.
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