make a decision
網 絡make a decision;decision making;make decisions;Making Decision
Make a decision sooner or later, you know.
Do you want me to decide?
Who are you to decide for the others?
Until I'm told otherwise, I'm gonna make decisions as I see fit.
That train is our property. It's our decision!
1. He'll be his own man and won't be dictated to. 他要自己做決定,不會被他人左右。
2. You'd better consider this and factor this into your decision making. 你最好考慮一下這一點,並在做決定時將其考慮在內。
3. I had to decide right then. 我當時就得做決定。
4. He pushed her to make a decision. 他催她快做決定.
5. Let's defer the decision for a few weeks. 咱們延緩幾個禮拜再做決定吧.
6. They discussed but deferred the decision. 他們進行了討論,但遲遲未做決定.
7. They gave him five minutes to decide. 他們給了他5分鐘來做決定.
8. I have a hard decision. 我很難做決定.
9. The project must remain in limbo until the committee makes its decision. 該工程必須擱置,等待委員會做決定.
10. I recommend you to think very carefully before you make any decision. 我建議你仔細考慮一下後再做決定.
11. I don't want to hustle you into a decision. 我不想催你做決定.
12. I must make the decision regardless. 不管怎樣我得做決定.
13. It's really hard to make a decision. 挺難做決定的.
14. He said with surpristing courtesy,'someone had to decide. " 他以一種令人意外的謙恭態度說: “ 總得有人來做決定. ”
15. It had no serious ring to it. The question was not up for immediate decision. 這些話現在聽來並不重要, 還沒有到馬上做決定的時候呢.
16. In my office the boss makes all the decisions and I do all the donkey work. 公司裡做決定的是老闆,而我總是做繁瑣的工作.
17. It is no good waiting for other people to make your decision for you. 等別人替你做決定是沒有用的.
18. Then we make a decision based on major opinions. 然後我們根據多數人的意見做決定.
19. Since when do we make decisions without consulting each other? 從什麼時候開始我們做決定不徵求對方意見?
20. He didn't want a stranger making most of his decisions. 他沒有想要陌生人為他做決定.
21. FRANCESCA : If that happens, you have to decide. Because I can't. 弗朗西斯卡: 如果真是那樣, 你得做決定, 因為我不能.
22. Executives resist taking creative authority even when it's thrust upon them. 行政董事即便遇到應該他們做決定的事情,也不會輕易使用自己的職權.
23. I need to weigh the pros and co before making a decision. 在做決定之前,我必須權衡利弊得失.
24. The best time to make decisions is before you enter a trade. 最好的做決定的時間是進行交易之前.
25. Before I make a decision I should know more about your corporation. 我要對貴公司進一步瞭解之後,才能做決定.
26. I hope Miss Alison considers employee attitude to her decision. 我希望艾莉森女士能考慮到僱員對她所做決定的感受.
27. I think it would be wise to think it over. 我認為你仔細考慮之後再做決定.
28. We must with the pros and cons before we make a decision. 我們一定要平衡得失再做決定.
29. It means counsel council and applies implies giving advice, not makingdecisions. 它的意思是“委員會”,意思是給出建議, 而不是做決定.
30. He pulled at the pipe while he considered what decision to make. 他一邊吸菸,一邊考慮如何做決定.
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