網 絡turn left;left at;left and walk;left turning
1. Turn left at the traffic lights. 在交通訊號燈處向左拐。
2. Go right to the end of the street, and then turn left. 走完這條街再向左拐.
3. Make a left at the corner. 到下一個拐角處向左拐.
4. Go up to the fork and turn left. 走到岔口處向左拐.
5. Turn left at the corner and keep on as far as the church. 到街角向左拐,一直向前走到教堂.
6. He twisted and turned in a desperate attempt to shake off his pursuer. 他左拐右轉拼命想甩掉追他的人.
7. About three hundred yards farther on there is a turning to the left. 再往前大約300碼有一個向左拐的拐角.
8. Follow the main road until it branches and then turn to the left. 沿著大道走到分岔地方再向左拐.
9. Go straight ahead and turn left at the second crossing. 一直往前走,在第二個十字路口往左拐.
10. Follow this road to the bookstore, then turn to the left. 順著這條街到書店, 然後向左拐.
11. At the end of the wood, the path diverges to the left. 在樹林的盡頭, 小路向左拐去.
12. When you get to the fork in the road, go left. 當你到了道路的岔口時, 向左拐.
13. About a mile further on, bear to the left. 大約再向前1英里, 向左拐.
14. The ranks ahead are making a left turn. 前頭的隊伍向左拐了個彎.
15. Turn left where the road jogs. 到這條路急轉彎處向左拐.
16. Turn left at the corner. 在拐角處向左拐.
17. Turn left after 2 blocks. 走過兩個街區後往左拐.
18. Then, turn left on Grove Street and look for the museum on the right. 然後在格儒弗大街向左拐, 在右邊找博物館.
19. Thence, bending to our left, we began to ascend the slope towards theplateau. 我們從那裡向左拐, 開始攀登通向臺地的斜坡.
20. He can not remember to turn to the left or turns to the right. 他沒能記住向左拐還是向右拐.
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