<名>the left side ; the left ; east ; a surname
<形>unorthodox ; queer ; wrong ; incorrect
<動>[書] 輔佐 assist
網 絡left;east;L. LEFT;LFT Left
I intend to move out to the left or turn left.
You should show with your left hand to tell that you want to turn left.
The soldiers attacked the left flank of the enemy.
His left knee was hurt in a traffic accident.
Folks on the right side control the right paddle.
Take the second turning on the left.
He hurt his left ankle in the broad jump.
Turn to the left and you will find the post.
Handwriting characterized by letters that slant to the left.
1. As I sidestepped, the bottle hit me on the left hip. 我側一步要躲閃的時候,瓶子打中了我的左髖部。
2. At Dorset Wharf go left to rejoin the river. 在多塞特碼頭向左返回河道。
3. Pinch-hitter Francisco Cabrera lashed a single to left field. 替補隊員弗朗西斯科·卡布雷拉向左外場猛地擊出一個一壘打。
4. Lewis desperately needs to keep clear of Ruddock's big left hook. 劉易斯無論如何得躲開拉多克凌厲的左鉤拳才行。
5. Their success does not necessarily reflect a leftward shift in politics. 他們的成功並不一定表示政治氣候轉向親左。
6. Expertly he zigzagged his way across the field, avoiding the deeper gullies. 他熟練地左一拐右一拐地繞過深溝,穿過了原野。
7. The truck sways wildly, careening down narrow mountain roads. 卡車瘋狂地左搖右晃,從狹窄的山路上急衝而下。
8. He had sustained a cut on his left eyebrow. 他左眼眉上留下了一道疤。
9. Her official number is carved on the port side of the forecabin. 這艘船的註冊編號刻在前艙的左舷上。
10. He had the words "Angie loves Ian" tattooed on his left shin. 他在左小腿上文了“安吉愛伊恩”幾個字。
11. Go left onto the A107 and bear left into Seven Sisters Road. 向左駛入A107號公路,然後左轉進七姐妹路。
12. He wore a black band on the left sleeve of his jacket. 他在夾克衫的左袖上戴了一條黑箍兒。
13. The faulty left-hand engine failed catastrophically as the aircraft approached the airport. 飛機快到機場時,本來有故障的左引擎突然熄火,引發了災難。
14. The only new cap is Llanelli's 20-year-old left-wing Wayne Proctor. 唯一初次入選國家隊的選手是來自拉內利的20歲左邊鋒韋恩·普羅克特。
15. My politics are well to the left of centre. 我的政治主張相當偏左。
16. Turn left at the crossroads into Clay Lane. 十字路口左轉進克雷巷。
17. In Britain cars drive on the left. 在英國,汽車靠左行駛。
18. A gold bracelet dangled from his left wrist. 一隻金手鐲在他的左手腕上晃來晃去。
19. His left eyelid twitched involuntarily. 他的左眼皮不由自主地跳動。
20. USS Ogden turned to port. 美國軍艦“奧格登”號向左轉舵。
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