作文[zuò wén ]
寫文章 write a composition ; 文章 composition
網 絡composition;writing;halloween costume;writing sample
He wrote a composition or he read an essay.
So far as English composition is concerned, practice is the best way.
Each student has to hand in a composition once a week.
He likes to quote proverbs in his compositions.
Your composition contains too many mistakes; write anew.
You've made several grammatical mistakes in the composition.
This composition is in substance better than the previous one.
Tom did not make a single spelling mistake in his composition.
My father spotted several spelling mistakes in my composition.
1. Now we wait for them to turn in their essays. 現在我們等著他們交上作文。
2. Have you finished your composition already? You are very speedy. 你已經寫完作文了 吧 ?你動作真快.
3. Make an outline before trying to write a composition. 寫作文之前先寫個提綱.
4. His composition is excellent except for some grammatical mistakes. 他的作文寫得很好,只有幾處語法錯誤.
5. He merits a grade of B on his composition. 他的作文分數應該得B.
6. The composition is all right, but there is room for improvement. 這篇作文還不錯, 不過還可以改進.
7. The teacher singled out one composition for class discussion. 教師挑選出一篇作文來供課堂上討論.
8. Why didn't you select a better subject for your composition? 你為什麼不選一個好一點的作文題?
9. The correction of composition took a large part of the teacher's time. 批改作文花去了老師的大部分時間.
10. The English curriculum should stress both composition and reading. 英語課程對作文和閱讀應同樣重視.
11. The composition was scored with corrections in red ink. 這篇作文用紅筆批改過.
12. Your composition is well written except for a few spelling mistakes. 你的作文除了幾處拼寫錯誤外,寫得很好.
13. My composition has not been completed yet. 我的作文還未寫完.
14. His composition is good, yes, very good. 他的作文很好, 是的, 很好.
15. She undertook to revise my compositions. 她著手批改我的作文.
16. The boy flattered on his composition. 這個男孩自以為作文寫得好.
17. My first attempt at English composition was poor. 我第一次試寫的英文作文很差.
18. His composition has improved. 他的作文有進步.
19. This essay is grammatically smooth and readable. 這篇作文寫得還順.
20. Free composition as an exercise has its limitation. 作為練習的自由命題的作文有其侷限性.
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