左面[zuǒ miàn]
the left side ; the left-hand side ; left
網 絡left;left-side;left face
It must not look to the left or right but go forward.
Will you let me see that one in your window to the left?
Click on the left side of the red button to start the game.
The street doglegs to the left.
Paragraphs in the modified block format are always indented.
The surface on the far left shows ulceration and hemorrhage.
Click on the left side of the blue button to start the game.
Is he the tall man on the left?
She signalled that he was about to turn left.
Click on the left side of the football game began.
1. She signalled that he was about to turn left. 她打手勢表示他就要轉到左面去了.
2. To her left was a concrete blockhouse. 她的左面有一個鋼筋水泥的碉堡.
3. He bore away to the left, stopping now and again to eat muskeg berries. 他轉向左面走著, 不時停下來吃沼地上的漿果.
4. On our left were the shops, their windows lighted, and the entrance to thegalleria. 我們的左面是店窗明亮的鋪子和商業街廊的.
5. You can see the inside of this museum illustrated opposite. 從左面圖示你可看到博物館內部.
6. At the left the opening was a dark and deep angle. 在洞口的左面,有一個又黑又深的角落.
7. Please pull in to left, a caravel is going to pass you. 請靠左面, 有一架快帆要超越你.
8. From the left came volley of fire as the enemy opened up. 敵人開了火,從左面射來一陣子彈.
9. The surface on the far left shows ulceration and hemorrhage. 最左面顯示了潰瘍和出血.
10. Bn aisle seat on the left side - ----- here you are sir. 是左面靠走廊座位 ------ 這是您的座位.
11. Saying, resemble old gentleman moving left of figure of Buddha again. 說著, 又將老君像搬到佛像左面去.
12. In left side small basket, crammed full live chicken. 在左面的小籠子裡, 擠滿了活雞.
13. This hole plays slightly upslope and to the left. 開波小小上斜,果嶺在左面.
14. The table is to the leave of the window. 桌子在窗子的左面.
15. The guy on the left is Jalil Johnson. 左面那傢伙是傑尼爾·強森.
16. The main road branches off to left. 大路向左面岔開去.
17. Will you sit on my left? 你願坐在我的左面 嗎 ?
18. We were over the hill before this insane movement could be discovered andstopped. 這次瘋狂的行動還沒來得及發覺和阻止,我們已經爬上了左面的山頭.
19. He played the ball to the fielder's left and took a guick run. 他把球擊向守場員的左面,然後便快跑.
20. B . Go that way and yours in an aisle seat on the left. 14B向那邊走,位子在左面靠過道.
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