



  Thanksgiving is nearly hear,

  Thanksgiving comes every year.

  There is something I can say,

  Thanksgiving is my favourite day!


  A Teacher for All Seasons

  A teacher is like Spring,

  Who nurtures new green sprouts,

  Encourages and leads them,

  Whenever they have doubts.

  A teacher is like Summer,

  Whose sunny temperament

  Makes studying a pleasure,

  Preventing discontent.

  A teacher is like Fall,

  With methods crisp and clear,

  Lessons of bright colors

  And a happy atmosphere.

  A teacher is like Winter,

  While it's snowing hard outside,

  Keeping students comfortable,

  As a warm and helpful guide.

  Teacher, you do all these things,

  With a pleasant attitude;

  You’re a teacher for all seasons,

  And you have my gratitude!


  Teacher's day a shrine

  With almond altar twenty in the autumn

  Now old nine for everyone

  Travel day and night the heart of joy

  Yukon peach pei li zhi also reward

  To cast teacher soul the native place

  More new thoughts weave splendid

  Teaching life best love

  Hin see students from the upper floor