文學語言在很多情況下突破 語言 ,呈現自身的美學特徵。作為高度凝練的文學語言的典型代表,詩歌更加註重追求一種特殊的審美或詩學效果。小編精心收集了經典感恩英語詩歌,供大家欣賞學習!
A teacher is like Spring,
Who nurtures new green sprouts,
Encourages and leads them,
Whenever they have doubts.
A teacher is like Summer,
Whose sunny temperament
Makes studying a pleasure,
Preventing discontent.
A teacher is like Fall,
With methods crisp and clear,
Lessons of bright colors
And a happy atmosphere.
A teacher is like Winter,
While it's snowing hard outside,
Keeping students comfortable,
As a warm and helpful guide.
Teacher, you do all these things,
With a pleasant attitude;
You’re a teacher for all seasons,
And you have my gratitude!
Best Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is here, so our minds have turned
To what time has taught us, to what we’ve learned:
We often focus all our thought
On shiny things we’ve shopped and bought;
We take our pleasure in material things
Forgetting the pleasure that friendship brings.
If a lot of our stuff just vanished today,
We’d see the foundation of each happy day
Is special relationships, constant and true,
And that’s when our thoughts go directly to you.
We wish you a Thanksgiving you’ll never forget,
Full of love and joy—your best one yet!
By Joanna Fuchs
The Little Pilgrim
Cranberries dripping down my chin,
Have stained my pilgrim suit.
I ate too much Thanksgiving day,
But I don't give a hoot.
I slurped a pile of dressing,
Gobbled down a turkey thigh,
Dribbled messy cranberries,
Devoured some pumpkin pie.
Within me on this special day,
It's a thankful heart that beats.
For all the things that I enjoy,
But mainly for the eats.
The tear another's tears bring forth,
The sigh which answers sigh,
The pulse that beats at other's woes,
E'en though our own be nigh,
A balm to bathe the wounded heart
Where sorrow's hand hath lain,
The link divine from soul to soul,
That makes us one in pain,
Sweet sympathy, benignant ray,
Light of the soul doth shine;
In it is human nature givin,
A touch of the divine.
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