1. 一些基礎理論和基本技術,以及具體的技術
2.畢業之後要幹嘛, 畢業後打算幹什麼,願意在什麼地方?What’s your plan after you finish your study? What will you plan to do in the future?
3.weather, How about the whether here or in some place today?
4.personal information, Please introduce yourself. Tell me some thing about yourself
5.your interest, hobby,sports,etc, 個人興趣 individual interests, What's your hobby? What do you do in your spare time?
6.the name of the courses you have taken, 你研究生階段學了幾門課?你學過計算機方面的課嗎?
7.what kind of research you have done, Please tell me your working experience.你做的課題的具體內容,結論,得到的評價,自己感覺有何不足,科研思路。
8.Do you have any special or excellent idea during your research experience?
9.Did you use any english textbook in classes?
10.Will you like to study in a small but with high quality university or a biguniversity like Harvard or Princeton?
1.Do you apply for other university or contact with other faculties in the university? Do you apply any other school? 你申請了幾個學校?你都選擇了哪幾個學校申請?北卡州你會放在第幾選擇?
2.How about your abblity to be a teaching assistant? I told him it's no problem if use Chinese, but I need some practice in English.
3.Do you have some question on me/ or on my institute? Now, you could ask me questions about this position. 有什麼要問他的。
4.What are you doing now?
5.As for XXX, are you insterested?
6.Why are you interesting in ***University? 你為什麼選我們學校我們系?你為何選擇此校,有無選擇別的學校。
7.Why are you going to USA not staying your homeland to study? Why you want to have your graduate study in US? Why do you want to study in UA?
8.What is your major now? What's your major?
9.Say something about your work, etc.
10.What is your favor? maybe
1.Who is the great person in the world in your eyes?
2.research interest
3.research background, What's you graduate research work?
4.teaching experience, 以前有無teaching和researching的經驗?有無教書、主持會議的經驗。
5.by what means I know his University.
8.What are your plan in 5 to 10 years? What will you plan to do in the future?
9.What is your TOEFL score?
10.Is your research project very difficult?
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