
  STEP ONE:分析文章後的題目拿到一篇閱讀文章,考生應該首先細讀題目要求,確定哪些是關於文章結構的題目,哪些是關於文章細節的題目,同時找出題目中的中心詞。下面是小編給大家帶來的,希望能幫到大家!


  STEP TWO:帶著問題掃描文章

  1. 掃描標題考生拿到一篇思學術類閱讀文章,首先應該看一下文章的標題,而迄今為止,雅思學術類閱讀理解考試中大致出現過下列三種題目型別:第一種是正規標題,始可用來判斷文章大意、型別、進而得知文章結構;第二種是主標題加副標題,副標題有時承擔揭示文章結構的重任;第三種是無標題,這種考試形式自99 年開在中國考區出現,一般文章較長而且難,但仍然可以在文章第一段發現揭示文章主題的主旨句。考生應注意:描述性標題應該予以忽略;如果文章分幾個SECTION 論述,則SECTION 的標題也應該加以注意。


  3.掃描每個段落的首末句,把握文章主題:主題句提示文章每段的主題含意,進而合成整個文章的大意。因此,一定要找出主題句,從而找出這一段的主題。主題句通常是一段文章的首句***當然並非永遠如此***,尋找主題句的方法可按下列順序:首句 --→ 第二句 --→中間句--→ 末句注意:如果首句是描述性語句則應該予以忽略通過段落首末句判斷段落主題的關鍵是找準中心詞***KEY WORD*** 中心詞最可能是表示主要概念的名詞,一般是句子的主語和賓語;表明狀態的動詞;表示程度高低、範圍大小、肯定或否定的副詞;中心詞會在題目及原文中以同義詞形式大量出現。比如:famous - prestigious;restructure delayer.

  4. 掃描連線上下文的訊號詞。

  5. 掃描文章文章中是否有圖表或示意圖這些圖表一般包含了一些有關回答問題的資訊,因此可以先對這些圖表做一掃描,瞭解其內容從而加快答題速度,不然的話,就可能陷在文章中四處找尋答案而亂無頭緒。但應注意,一般照片、地圖、漫畫可以予以忽略。STEP THREE: 以問題為中心,通過上述掃描工作,找出文章中對應的中心詞,從而定位正確答案。





  It being Sunday,you needn’t go to work.

  This done,he locked the door and went home.

  He sat in front of them,his dusty face masking his age.


  I send you today three-fourths of the sum,the rest to follow within a month.

  The two parties reached an agreement on basic principles,the details to be ironed out***調解***later.


  The floor wet and slippery,we stay outside.

  The children were watching the magic trick,their eyes wide open.


  School over,the students ran out of the class.

  Dinner over,the family scattered to their various haunts.


  We came out of the classroom,hand in hand.。

  The teacher entered the classroom,a book under his arm.


  There being no bus,we had to walk home.


  Without anyone noticing,I slipped through the door.

  The park is beautiful with all the trees putting on a tender green.

  With these help him,he tried to finish the work.



  All the members having arrived,the meeting was declared open.

  The report having been read, a lively discussion began.

  With a lot problem solved,the manage left the office.


  There being no bus.we had to walk home.

  so many people being absent,the meeting had to be called off.

  All the money having been spent,Jack startled looking for work.


  With the tree growing tall,we got more shade.

  The murderer was brought in,with his hands tied behind his back.

  He sat in front row,his mouth open,his head thrust forward so as to miss any word.


  With the tree growing tall,we got more shade.