關於簡單的短篇英文笑話:How many children?
A census taker in a rural area went up to a farmhouse and knocked. When a woman came to the door, he asked her how many children she had and their ages.
She said, "Les' see now, there's the twins, Sally and Billy, they're eighteen. And the twins, Seth & Beth, they're sixteen. And the twins, Penny and Jenny, they're fourteen."
"Hold on!" said the census taker, "Did you get twins every time?"
The woman answered, "Heck no, there were hundreds of times we didn't get nothin'."
關於簡單的短篇英文笑話:Deep in the hills
An old man and his wife lived deep in the hills and seldom saw many people.
One day a peddler came by to sell his goods and asked the man if he or his wife wanted to buy anything.
"Well, my wife ain't home, she's gone down to the crick to wash clothes, but lemme see what you got," said the man.
The peddler showed him pots and pans, tools and gadgets, but the old man wasn't interested.
Then the man spotted a mirror and said, "What's that?"
Before the peddler could tell him it was a mirror, the old man picked it up and said, "My gosh! How'd you get a picture of my Pappy?"
The old man was so happy he traded his wife's best pitcher for it. The peddler left before the wife came back and spoiled his sale.
The old man was worried that the wife would be mad at him for trading her best pitcher, so he hid it in the barn behind some boxes of junk.
He would go out to the barn 2 or 3 times a day to look at the "picture" and eventually the wife got suspicious.
One day she got fed up and after he retired for the night, she went out to the barn. She saw the mirror behind the boxes, picked it up and said, "so this is the hussy he's been foolin' around with!"
關於簡單的短篇英文笑話:Moving from the city
A man was driving through West Virginia looking for a place to move to. He saw two men sitting on a porch and said, "I'm moving here from the city, what do you guys do around here?" The men answered, "Go hunt'n, kill things, 'n screw". He then asked, "What do you hunt and kill?" The men replied, "Sumt'n ta screw."
關於簡單的短篇英文笑話:Lamb caught in fence
A couple of farmers were walking back across the fields after a boozy lunch at the local when theyspotted a lamb caught fast in the fence.
Ahrr, Jem, I could wish that was Anna Kournikova stuck in that fence like that,".
Jem replied "Well, I'm just wishing it was dark".
關於簡單的短篇英文笑話:Buckwheat and Darla
Buckwheat and Darla were in school, and the teacher asks Darla: "How do you spell 'dumb'?"
Darla says "d-u-m-b, dumb" The teacher says, "very good, now use it in a sentence." She says "Buckwheat is dumb"
Now spell "stupid". Darla says "s-t-u-p-i-d, stupid". The teacher says, "very good, now use it in a sentence." Darla says "Buckwheat is stupid."
When the teacher calls on Buckwheat and says "Buckwheat, spell dictate." Buckwheat stands and says "d-i-c-t-a-t-e, dictate". The teacher says, "very good, now use it in a sentence." "I may be dumb, and I may be stupid, but Darla says my dictate good!"
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