Once when a Lion was asleep a little Mouse began running up and down upon him; this soon wakened the Lion, who placed his huge paw upon him, and opened his big jaws to swallow him.
‘Pardon, O King,’ cried the little Mouse: ‘forgive me this time, I shall never forget it: who knows but what I may be able to do you a turn some of these days?’
The Lion was so tickled at the idea of the Mouse being able to help him, that he lifted up his paw and let him go.
Some time after the Lion was caught in a trap, and the hunters who desired to carry him alive to the King, tied him to a tree while they went in search of a waggon to carry him on.
Just then the little Mouse happened to pass by, and seeing the sad plight in which the Lion was, went up to him and soon gnawed away the ropes that bound the King of the Beasts‘Was I not right?’ said the little Mouse.
Little friends may prove great friends.
He was a little, wrinkled, all skin and bones, old man and lived all alone. No one knew much about him. One day he got a bad cold and he called for a doctor.
While the doctor was examining the old man, he asked, "Haven't you a trend who could come in to look after you?" "No, I have no friends--never had any." the old man replied. 給老人檢查時,醫生問:“你沒有朋友來照看你嗎?”“沒有,我沒有朋友——一直都沒有。 ”老人回答。
"What you've lived in this village all your life and never had a friend! " ... "Well, I am not ashamed to say that I am passed sixty-four years but I never met anyone I could call a friend for long.
“什麼!你在村子裡住了一輩子,居然從未有過一個朋友!” “活了64年卻沒有遇到一個值得長久交往的朋友,我沒有什麼不好意思地。他們不是這差。 就是那差。 ”
If it isn't one thing wrong with them, it's another" "Come, come our village head mart, Mr. Li, will surely come to your aid if he knows you are sick I am sure you too know him."
“好啦,好啦!假如我們地村長李先生知道你病了,一定會來幫你地。 你一定知道他吧。 ” “沒錯, 我認識他,”
Of course, I know him, " replied the old man, "but he is such a bore to hear him talk, you'd imagine the world had nothing in it but his wheat field and how wonderful and healthy his pigs are."
老人回答,“不過,他這個人很討厭,跟他說話。你會覺得世界上除了他的麥田和他那壯實、健康的豬,就沒有別的東西了。 ”
"Then what about Mr.Ma who lives down the road?" "A more selfish fellow l ever came across, though admit he has got a head on him. He has traveled and read many books and he's mighty interesting to talk to.
“那麼在這條街上住的馬先生如何呢?”“雖然我承認他有點兒聰明,可他是我見過的最自私地傢伙。 他四處旅行。 讀過很多書,和他聊天會非常有意思。
He used to come in here a lot at one time. But he would come only when he felt like doing so and he would stay away for long periods of time.
有一段時間,他經常來我這裡。不過。 他想來地時候才會來,並且會一連好長時間都不出現。
I don't call that neighborly. "The doctor laughed."You can't bring up anything against Mr. Zhou? Everyone loves him." "You're right," agreed the old man. "
我可不喜歡他這樣的鄰居。 ” 醫生只好笑了笑:“你說什麼也不能找出周先生地毛病吧?所有人都喜歡他。 ”“你說地沒錯,”老人表示認可,
Zhou would live on my doorstep if I let him He's a bit of a wit and rattling good company, but his noisy tongue makes my poor head ache."
“假如我願意。 周先生會與我住得很近。 他很聰明,是個很好的伴兒。 可他說起話來地聲音吵得我頭疼。 ”
"I'm afraid you see so much of your neighbor's failings that you're blind to their virtues. You're a hard nut to crack, old many anyway, please call me if you need me.
“恐怕是你太注重鄰居們地缺點而忽略了他們的優點。 老先生,給您服務可真難!無論如何,假如需要我地時候,你就叫我。
As a doctor I will attend to you regardless whether you like me or not" The doctor remarked as he took up his bag and hat to leave. The door banged and not a word of "thank you" was heard.
身為一名醫生。 無論你喜不喜歡我。 我都會照看你的!” 醫生說著就拿起帽子離開了。 門“嘣”的一聲就關上了,老人連一句“謝謝”都沒說。