Tom with his axe was stepping through the wood, a sapling called to him, and stopped him on his way,“Do clear away those trees, kind friend, I wish you would!
They will not let me have free play, on me the sunlight cannot fall. To spread my roots, I find no room at all, no whisper of the wind about me plays, and they twine above my head a veritable maze.
I tell you, but for them, if I could only start, you'd find me in a year the pride of all this part. The dell to right and left my friendly shade should cover, but as it is, you see! I'm brushwood—little over.”
Then Tom, he swung his axe apace, his kindness did not waver, and to do a friend this favour, and round the little tree he cleared a tidy space.
Poor Sapling! Not for long his triumph lasted, the heat came first, his sap to drain, and then he was lashed with hail and rain, and last a dreadful storm, which left him quite dismasted!
“Oh foolish one,”heard by a serpent,“it was you that brought about your fall.
If longer in the wood's kind shelter you'd been reared, then neither heat nor wind your calm could so importune: you had the elder trees for guardians of your fortune, and if there came a time when all had disappeared, because their day was past and gone.
In turn you might have reached such height, as years went on, and so much health and strength have gathered. That all this harm would never have been done, and fiercer storms than this you might have safely weathered.”
A man was strolling along the beach when he suddenly noticed from afar what he thought were children dancing.
“What on earth are they doing dancing on the beach?”as he quickly paced towards them.
He was surprised that a boy and a girl were not dancing but picking up the starfishes which were washed ashore by the tide and throwing them back into the sea.
“Excuse me, why are you throwing the starfishes back into the sea?”he asked.
The children ignored the remark but they continued picking up the starfishes and kept throwing them back into the sea.
“Don't you think it is a waste of your time as there are hundreds of starfishes still lying around. Surely you can't keep this act all day long.”
At last the elder boy replied,“Sir, you see the sun would soon rise and the tide will ebb away.
Though my sister and I can't throw all the starfishes back into the sea, we are sure it matters to the ones we succeed in throwing.
Would you like to join us, it would make a difference.”The man smiled and said,“It certainly would,”so he too pick up the starfishes and threw them into the sea.
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