Mashed Potato
香腸土豆泥 Bangers and mash
牛肉土豆泥 Beef with mashed potatoes
黃油土豆泥 Buttered mashed potatoes
奶油土豆泥 Mashed potato
1. The fries are made from pellets of pulverised potato.
2. Push the potatoes through a sieve to make a puree.
3. two scoops of mashed potato
4. Just one scoop of mashed potato for me, please.
5. Do you want more mashed potatoes?
給你們再來些土豆泥, 怎麼樣 ?
6. I'd like to order roast beef with mashed potatoes.
7. And will mashed potatoes be all right for both of you?
二位都用土豆泥 嗎 ?
8. In the prison cafeteria, he used to steal my Tater Tots!
在監獄的咖啡廳裡, 他老是偷我的土豆泥!
9. Yes, what's that over there on the other side of the mashed potatoes?
嗯, 在土豆泥那一邊的是什麼菜?
10. I think mashed potatoes would be OK for me.
11. Can you show me how to make mashed potatoes?
你能教我怎麼做土豆泥 嗎 ?
12. Will you make the mashed potatoes with the lumps?
你會弄成塊的土豆泥給我吃 嗎 ?
13. For dinner I had steak, cauliflower and mashed potatoes.
晚飯,我吃了牛排, 花椰菜和土豆泥.
14. Can not ham mashed potato butter use Shaoxing wine to replace?
火腿土豆泥黃油沒有能用黃酒代替 嗎 ?
15. Pan - Fried King Prawn with Scallop , Mash Potato, Mix Salad, Thai Chili Sauce.
香煎蒜茸大明蝦,焗澳帶, 配土豆泥, 混合沙拉, 泰式辣味汁.
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