




  China has the largest population in learning English globally. Statistics show that over 400millions people are learning English, accounting for one third of the total population in China.At present, elementary schools, even kindergartens, are offering English courses. Englishlearning runs through the entire study process of Chinese students, and English is a subjectevery Chinese student must learn. China is one of the most enthusiastic countries in Englishlearning, but the continuous "English craze" also triggers fierce debate. Many people thinkthat the score for English exam in college entrance examination should be reduced and thesubject of Chinese should be emphasized, intending to draw more people's attention to theirmother tongue.

  1.在“資料顯示,中國有4億多人在學英語,約佔全國總人口的1/3”中,“資料顯示…”通常譯為that引導的賓語從句。“中國有4億多人在學英語”作為從句主幹,“約佔…”則用現在分詞短語accounting for...表達,作伴隨狀語。

  2.“英語學習貫穿中國學生,英語是中國學生必須學習的一門科目”有兩個主語“英語學習”和“英語”,故譯為兩個分句,用and連線。在後半句中,定語“中國學生必須學習的”較長,翻譯時可將它放在中心詞“科目 ***subject***”後面作後置定語,譯為從句:***that***every Chinese student must learn,這樣表達更符合英文句式。

  3.在“中國是世界上對英語學習最狂熱的國家之一,‘英語熱’在中國的持續也引發了激烈的爭論”中,兩句話存在內在的轉折關係,可以用but連線,使之更連貫。“持續”在漢語原句裡是名詞,翻譯的時候可以用形容詞,理解為“持續的‘英語熱’”,continuous English craze/fever。

  4.最後一句中的“降低…”和“突出…”為並列結構,兩句都可採用被動語態,譯為be decreased和beemphasized。“讓更多的人關注自己的母語”若直譯為 letting more people be concerned about theirmother tongue,譯文會顯得生硬,故參考譯文增譯intend to表明意圖。


  高速公路***express way***是一個國家走向現代化的橋樑,也是發展現代交通業的必要條件。近幾年,中國高速公路蓬勃發展,截止到2012年,中國高速公路的總里程***total mileage***已經達到9.6萬公里,位居世界第二。國家高速公路網建成後,通車裡程將達10.8萬公里,屆時將覆蓋超過90%的擁有20萬以上城鎮人口的城市。高速公路為道路運輸創造了新的發展機遇和空間,也為沿線的經濟騰飛增添了活力。現在,它已成為拉動內需、促進經濟快速發展的重要因素之一。


  The express way is not only a bridge leading a country into modernization, but also anessential condition for the development of modern transportation. In recent years, China'sexpress ways have experienced a flourishing development, with a total mileage of 96,000kilometers by 2012,ranking the second in the world. The total mileage will reach 108,000kilometers after the construction of the national express way network is completed. By then,over 90% of the cities with an urban population of more than 200,000 will have beencovered. Express ways create new development opportunities and space for roadtransportation, adding vitality to the economic take-off along the way. Nowadays, it hasbecome one of the most important factors in driving the domestic demand and fuelling therapid development of economy.

  1.第一句話由兩個分句組成,謂語均為“是”,故可將“一個國家走向現代化的橋樑”和“發展現代交通業的必要條件”處理為並列結構,由not only...but also...連線,作“是”is的表語。


  3.第三句的“…建成後”為時間狀語,可翻譯為after引導的時間狀語從句after the construction of...iscompleted。後兩個分句前者說國家高速公路網建成後的通車裡程,後者說將覆蓋多少城市,意思不是那麼緊密,可拆譯為兩個句子。“將覆蓋超過90%的擁有20萬以上城鎮人口的城市”中的定語“擁有20萬以上城鎮人口的”較長,可用介詞短語with an urban population of...表達。

  4.倒數第二“高速公路為道路運輸…增添了活力”包含兩個謂語動詞“創造了”和“增添了”,因此可譯為兩個並列謂語create...and add...,但這樣處理稍顯平淡,不如將“也為…增添了活力”處理為表伴隨的現在分詞短語adding vitality to...來得緊湊和有邏輯性。