


  Teenage boys, regardless of race,are more likely to die from gunshot wounds than from allnatural causes combined.

  By the time the average American child leaves primary school, he or she will witness 8,000murders and more than 100,000 acts of violence on television.

  Youth are becoming involved in violence at an alarming rate. In fact, the young arrest rate formurder doubled, from 6 arrests per 100,000 youth aged from 10 to 17 to over 12 per 100,000.

  The American Psychological Association Commission on Violence and Youth reported on a studyof first and second graders in Washington said they had witnessed muggings ***行凶搶劫***,31 % said they had witnessed shootings, and 39% said they had seen dead bodies.

  For the many youth who have not been directly exposed to violence in their owncommunities, the entertainment media ***television, movies, music and video games*** providesmany opportunities for children to see and hear violent exchanges. Research shows that thereare about 5-6 violent acts per hour on prime time and 20-25 violent acts on Saturdaymorning children’s programming. In its report, the American Psychological Association ***APA***reported that viewing violence on television hurts children in many ways. In particular, theAPA concludes that children may become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others,bemore fearful of the world around them,be more likely to behave in aggressive or harmful waystoward others, and gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems. The AmericanAcademy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry also cautions that children may imitate theviolence they observe on television.

  Another form of violence involving youth is physical punishment in the schools. This form ofdiscipline still remains legally supported in 23 nations in America. The Office for Civil Rights inthe Department of Education reported that 555,000 students were physically punished in theschools during this school year. Although such punishment has been regarded as an effectivemethod of discipline by those who apply it, the findings are obvious that physical punishmentdoes not work and that children who are victims of physical punishment are subject topotential long-term physical and emotional damage.


  Choose correct answers to the question:

  1.According to the passage, the American teenage boys,lives are most threatened by______

  A.gun murders

  B.natural diseases

  C.TV violence

  D. physical punishment

  2.The author tends to use the fourth paragraph to support the idea that _____

  A.many youth have watched much violence on TV

  B.youth violence in Washington D.C.is very serious

  C.fights may be the most widely-seen youth violence

  D.American youth have been exposed to much violence

  3.The APA indicates that too much TV violence may change children ______

  A.to become separated from the world

  B.to remain indifferent to others’ pain

  C.to solve problems only by violence

  D.to be fearful of aggressive behaviors

  4.The passage does NOT discus that many youth become victim of ______

  A.murders B.family violence C. TV violence D.school violence

  5.The author may most probably agree that physical punishment is _________

  A. acceptable, though ineffective

  B. illegal,though effective

  C. harmful, though legal

  D. reasonable, though illegal


  1.[A] 事實細節題。本題考查對比處。根據第1段中的more likely…than可知選項A正確,選項B可由此排除。選項C和D雖在文中有提到,但作者並無討論它們是否危及孩子的生命。

  2.[D] 主旨大意題。文章第1和第2段提出話題:小孩接觸太多暴力。第3段和第4段討論小孩遇到的嚴重暴力,如murder, muggings等,為主題服務,因此本段應支援文章開頭提出的話題。本段說明的是現實生活中的暴力,而非電視上的,故選項A不對,選項B和C都只是對本段中某個現象的描述。

  3.[B] 推理判斷題。本題考査列舉處。選項B是對第5段倒數第2句中become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others的近義替換,因此正確。選項A中的isolated並不等同於文中的fearful,也不是因為害怕世界必然帶來的結果。選項C中的only過於絕對,文中只說a way。選項D拼湊了原句中的某些詞語,但文中並無此意。

  4. [B] 主旨大意題。本文結構可分為四部分:第1段和第2段總起,指出論題;第二部分討論murder等嚴重暴力;第三部分即第5段討論TV violence;第四部分即最後一段討論學校裡的體罰,也就是school violence。因此只有選項B沒有在文中討論。

  5. [C] 觀點態度題。根據最後一段,特別是最後一句,可以推斷作者認為體罰不起作用,並對學生身心產生有害的影響,由此可見,作者不認同體罰,因此選項A和D不正確。選項B中的illegal與文中說法相反,因此也不正確。


  Americans are pound of their variety and individuality, yet they love and respect few thingsmore than a uniform, whether it is the uniform of an elevator operator or the uniform of afive-star general. Why are uniforms so popular in the United States?

  Among the arguments for uniforms, one of the first is that in the eyes of most people they lookmore professional than civilian ***百姓的*** clothes. People have become conditioned to expectsuperior quality from a man who wears a uniform. The television repairman who wearsuniform tends to inspire more trust than one who appears in civilian clothes. Faith in the skillof a garage mechanic is increased by a uniform. What easier way is there for a nurse, apoliceman, a barber, or a waiter to lose professional identity ***身份*** thanto step out ofuniform?

  Uniforms also have many practical benefits. They save on other clothes. They save on laundrybills. They are tax-deductible ***可減稅的***. They are often more comfortable and more durablethan civilian clothes.

  Primary among the arguments against uniforms is their lack of variety and the consequentloss of individuality experienced by people who must wear them. Though there are manytypes of uniforms, the wearer of any particular type is generally stuck with it, without change,until retirement. When people look alike, theytend to think, speak, and act similarly, on the jobat least.

  Uniforms also give rise to some practical problems. Though they are long-lasting, often theirinitial expense is greater than the cost of civilian clothes. Some uniforms are also expensive tomaintain, requiring professional dry cleaning rather than the home laundering possible withmany types of civilian clothes.


  Choose correct answers to the question:

  1.It is surprising that Americans who worship variety and individuality ________.

  A. still judge a man by his clothes

  B. hold the uniform in such high regard

  C. enjoy having a professional identity

  D. will respect an elevator operator as much as a general in uniform

  2. People are accustomed to think that a man in uniform ________.

  A. suggests quality work

  B. discards his social identity

  C. appears to be more practical

  D. looks superior to a person in civilian clothes

  3. The chief function of a uniform is to ________.

  A. provide practical benefits to the wearer

  B. make the wearer catch the pubic eye

  C. inspire the wearer’s confidence in himself

  D. provide the wearer with a professional identity

  4. According to the passage, people wearing uniforms ________.

  A. are usually helpful

  B. have little or no individual freedom

  C. tend to lose their individuality

  D. enjoy greater popularity

  5. The best title for this passage would be ________.

  A. Uniforms and Society

  B. The Importance of Wearing a Uniform

  C. Practical Benefits of Wearing a Uniform

  D. Advantages and Disadvantages of Uniforms


  1.[B] 事實細節題。根據文章首句轉折詞yet後面的資訊“儘管美國人很為他們的多樣性和個性自豪,但是沒有什麼比制服更讓他們喜愛與尊敬的了”結合核心詞uniform及同義表達***hold…in high regard即respect***,故選B。

  2.[A] 推理判斷題。根據第2段第2句“人們習慣性地期望穿制服的人有較高的專業素質”,故選A。選項D錯在用superior來比較人了,文中用的是superior quality。

  3.[D] 主旨大意題。根據第 2 段首句“they look more professional than civilian clothes”及尾句的反問“What easier way is there…to lose professional identity than to step out of uniform? ”選含有高頻詞彙 professional的D。

  4.[C] 推理判斷題。根據第4段首句中的“loss of individuality”進行同義替換,選C。

  5.[D] 主旨大意題。根據第2至4段首句的對比,對於文章最好的概括為選項D“制服的優缺點”。