


  survey 調查.測驗

  add up 合計

  upset adj 心煩意亂的;不安的,不適的


  have got to 不得不;必須

  concern涉及;關係到 n 擔心;關注.***利害***關係

  be concerned about 關心.掛念

  walk the dog 遛狗

  loose adj 鬆的.鬆開的

  vet 獸醫

  go through 經歷;經受

  Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹***荷蘭首都***

  Netherlands 荷蘭***西歐國家***

  Jew 猶太人的;猶太族的

  German 德國的.德國人的.德語的.

  Nazi 納粹黨人 adj 納粹黨的

  set down 記下;放下.登記

  series 連續,系列

  a series of 一連串的.一系列;一套


  spellbind 迷住;疑惑

  purpose 故意

  in order to 為了

  dusk 黃昏傍晚

  at dusk 在黃昏時刻

  thunder vi 打雷雷鳴 n 雷,雷聲

  entier adj 整個的;完全的,全部的

  entily ady. 完全地.全然地.整個地


  Face to face 面對面地

  Curtain 窗簾;門簾.幕布

  dusty adj 積滿灰塵的

  no longer /not … any longer 不再

  partner 夥伴.合作者.合夥人

  settle 安家.定居.停留vt 使定居.安排.解決

  suffer vt &遭受;忍受經歷

  suffer from 遭受.患病

  loneliness 孤單寂寞



  Get/be tired of 對…厭煩

  Pack捆紮;包裝打行李 n 小包:包裹

  pack *** sth *** up 將***東西***裝箱打包



  teenager 十幾歲的青少年

  get along with 與…相處.進展

  gossip 閒話閒談

  fall in love 相愛;愛上

  exactly 確實如此

  disagree 不同意



  join in 參加.加入



  1 for the first time 第一次;首先 at first; first of all

  1have a good flight ***坐飛機***旅途愉快

  2all the way 一路

  3t all ***否定:根本; 疑問:到底; 條件:竟然***

  4above all 首先;首要的 after all 畢竟; in all 總共

  5make oneself at home 不拘束, 別客氣

  6 There you are. 你來了。

  7Here you are. 給你。

  8 all around the world 世界各地 throughout the world

  9. the majority of 大多數的 the minority of

  10. in total; in all; altogether 總共

  11. the number of …的數量 ***large; small 謂語動詞單數***

  a number of 一些; 許多

  12. except for 除了...之外; 要不是

  except 除了...都; besides 除了...還;except +從句

  except ***除去***指在整體中除去行為未發生者 ***不包括在內***

  except for ***除了有…之外***指在一個整體中除去其中某個或某些因素,


  except that ***除去;除掉*** 後接從句,

  還有except when, except what; except where等

  besides ***除了…還*** 包括在整體之內

  but ***除了...之外*** 和except 同義,與否定詞或疑問詞連用

  13. communicate with sb. 與...交流,聯絡

  14. have a good knowledge of 對...很熟悉; 通曉

  15 ask sb ***not*** to do sth 請某人做/不做某事 .

  Tell sb ***not*** to do sth 讓某人不做某事

  Order sb ***not*** to do sth 命令某人做/不做某事

  16 help sb. with sth 在某方面幫助某人

  help sb do sth; help do sth幫助

  assist sb with sth; assist sb to do sth; assist in doing sth. 協助某人做...

  17 .stand still 站著不動; stay still; lie still

  18. leave the door open 讓門一直開著

  Leave the light on 讓燈一直亮著

  leave sb doing sth 留置/聽任...保持...***做某事***的狀態

  leave... done 留置/聽任...保持...***被...***的狀態

  19. turn down /up the radio 把收音機聲音關小/開大

  turn up 出現 turn down 拒絕 turn off / on 關掉/開啟

  turn in 上繳; turn out 結果是;被證明是

  20. stay up 熬夜; 不睡覺

  21. come about 發生;happen; take place; break out

  22. There is no quick answer to this question.

  23. in the same way 用同樣的方式 in different ways 不同

  In this way 這樣 in no way 決不

  in the way 擋道;妨礙 out of the way 不擋道

  in a way 在某種程度上;在某一點上 on the way 在路上;即將發生

  by the way 順便說/問一下; by way of 經由;經過

  24. stay the same = remain the same. 保持不變

  25.at the same time 同時 =meanwhile

  26. end up with 以...***形式***告終

  begin/start with end in failure 以失敗而告

  27. more or less 或多或少

  28. have difficulty/trouble in doing sth 做某事有困難

  29. a great many; many a; a great number of ***可數***

  a great many factories

  區分 a great many of the factories a great deal of;

  a large amount of; ***不可數***

  a large quantity of; large quantities of; plenty of; lots of

  30. bring in 帶來; 引進

  bring out 出版;生產;揭露

  bring about 引起;導致

  bring up 撫養;培養

  31 shut up 閉嘴

  32.promise sb to do sth 答應某人做某事

  promise that... make a promise

  33.make a decision 做出決定=decide

  34. marry sb; 與某人結婚 get married to sb be married to sb

  35. at least 至少 at most 最多

  36. a little bit 區分:a little; a bit; a bit of; not a bit not a little

  37. chat on line 網上聊天

  38 stay in touch =keep in touch with sb.= keep track of 保持聯絡

  get in touch with; 取得聯絡 lose touch with 失去聯絡

  39. because of 區分 because

  thanks to 多虧了 as a result of 由於...的結果

  due to 由於,因為 owing to 由於;因為

  40. not only... but also.. ***用於句首時,前句倒裝***

  Not only did Xiaohua learn a lot of English from her Canadian teacher, she

  also became very interested in Canada. ***前句倒,後句不倒***

  Not only the students but also the teacher doesn’t understand this sentence. ***並列主語,不倒裝,謂語就近一致***

  41. as many as; as much as 和...一樣多

  as many books as as much money as

  His son is as naughty a boy as he used to be when he was young.

  41. in the name of 以....的名義


  1. 語法術語及基本概念:

  ***1***. 先行詞: 被定語從句所修飾的那個詞。

  ***2***. 關係代詞/關係副詞:用來引導定語從句的關聯詞。

  ***3***. 定語從句:一個句子用作某一名詞或代詞的定語時,我們稱這個句子為定語從句。被定語從句所修飾的那個詞叫先行詞。定語從句由關係代詞who, whom, whose, that, which 以及關係副詞when, where, why來引導,定語從句一般位於先行詞之後。

  2. 關係代詞的用法:

  ***1***. 先行詞是人,關係代詞在定語從句中做主語時,用who或that來引導。 e.g. Do you know the man who / that is standing over there?

  The girl who / that took you to my place is my friend.

  ***2***. 先行詞是人,關係代詞在定語從句中做賓語時,用whom或that來引導,但通常可以省略。先行詞是人,關係代詞在介詞後面必須用whom,而且不能省略,也不能用that。

  The boy ***whom / that*** we saw yesterday is Mr. Wang’s son.

  The old man with whom I often go to the films is my grandfather.

  ***3***. 先行詞是物,關係代詞在定語從句中做主語時,用which或that來引導。

  e.g. The train which / that has just left is for Guangzhou.

  The earthquake which / that happened in 1906 was the biggest in American history.

  ***4***. 先行詞是物,關係代詞在定語從句中做賓語時,用which或that來引導,但通常可以省略。

  e.g. The bird ***which / that*** we caught the other day flew away yesterday. The pen with which I am writing was bought in the Shopping Center.


  關係代詞whose 意思是“誰的”,“什麼的”;它是who和which的所有格形 式,它可以用來引導定語從句,並且在定語從句中做定語,修飾從句的主語或賓語。

  e.g. This is the house whose door / the door of which / of which the door faces east.

  The relative pronouns referring to function in the clause

  who person***s*** subject/object

  whom person***s*** object

  that person***s***/thing***s*** subject/object

  which thing***s*** subject/object

  whose person***s***/thing***s***

  ***of whom/which*** attributive


  ***1***. 先行詞是不定代詞all, something, anything, everything, nothing, none, the one, little, much等,只能使用關係代詞that。

  e.g. Is there anything that I can do for you?

  Do you mean the one that was bought yesterday?

  All we have to do is to press the button.

  ***2***. 先行詞被only, any, few, little, no, all, one of, just, very 等詞修飾時,只能使用關係代詞that。

  e.g. This is one of the presents that my boy friend gave me on my birthday.

  ***3***. 先行詞是形容詞的最高階或被形容詞的最高階所修飾時,只能使用關係代詞that。

  e.g. The most important thing that should be done recently is how to collect enough money for that poor student.

  ***4***. 先行詞是序數詞或被序數詞所修飾時,只能使用關係代詞that。

  e.g. This is the fifth book that he has ever written. When we talk about Hangzhou, the first that comes into mind is the West Lake.

  ***5***. 先行詞中既有人又有物,用who或which都不合適時,只能使用關係代詞that。

  e.g. The car and the driver that killed an old woman were held up by the police. They talked about things and persons that they remembered at school. The writer and his novel that you have just talked about is really well-known.

  ***6*** 先行詞為數詞時,只能使用關係代詞that。

  e.g. He brought three children yesterday,.Now I can see the three that are playing in the garden.

  ***7*** 複合句中含有兩個修飾人的定語從句,其中一個已經用了who,另一個只能使用關係代詞that。

  e.g. Edison built up a factory which produced things that had never been seen before.

  ***8***. 主句是there be 結構,如果需要修飾的主語是物,只能使用關係代詞that。e.g. There is still a seat in the corner that is still free.