簡單的英語小詩歌欣賞:同情 Sympthy
IF I were only a little puppy, not your baby, mother dear, would you say "No" to me if I tried to eat from your dish?如果我只是一隻小狗,而不是你的小孩,親愛的媽媽,當我想吃你的盤裡的東西時,你要向我說“不”麼?
Would you drive me off, saying to me, "Get away, you naughty little puppy?"你要趕開我,對我說道:“***,你這淘氣的小狗”麼?
Then go, mother, go! I will never come to you when you call me, and never let you feed me any more.那末,走罷,媽媽,走罷!當你叫喚我的時候,我就永不到你那裡去,也永不要你再餵我吃東西了。
If I were only a little green parrot, and not your baby, mother dear, would you keep me chained lest I should fly away?如果我只是一隻綠色的小鸚鵡,而不是你的小孩,親愛的媽媽,你要把我緊緊地鎖住,怕我飛走麼?
Would you shake your finger at me and say, "What an ungrateful wretch of a bird! It is gnawing at its chain day and night?"你要對我搖你的手,說道:“怎樣的一個不知感恩的賤鳥呀!整夜地盡在咬它的鏈子”麼?
Then, go, mother, go! I will run away into the woods; I will never let you take me in your arms again.那末,走罷,媽媽,走罷!我要跑到樹林裡去;我就永不再讓你抱我在你的臂裡了。
簡單的英語小詩歌欣賞:職業 Vocation
WHEN the gong sounds ten in the morning and I walk to school by our lane,早晨,鐘敲十下的時候,我沿著我們的小巷到學校去。
Every day I meet the hawker crying, "Bangles, crystal bangles!"每天我都遇見那個小販,他叫道:“鐲子呀,亮晶晶的鐲子!”
There is nothing to hurry him on, there is no road he must take, no place he must go to, no time when he must come home.他沒有什麼事情急著要做,他沒有哪條街一定要走,他沒有什麼地方一定要去,他沒有什麼時間一定要回家。
I wish I were a hawker, spending my day in the road, crying, "Bangles, crystal bangles!"我願意我是一個小販,在街上過日子,叫著:“鐲子呀,亮晶晶的鐲子!”
When at four in the afternoon I come back from the school,下午四點,我從學校裡回家。
I can see through the gate of that house the gardener digging the ground.從一家門口,我看得見一個園丁在那裡掘地。
He does what he likes with his spade, he soils his clothes with dust, nobody takes him to task if he gets baked in the sun or gets wet.他用他的鋤子,要怎麼掘,便怎麼掘,他被塵土汙了衣裳,如果他被太陽晒黑了或是身上被打溼了,都沒有人罵他。
I wish I were a gardener digging away at the garden with nobody to stop me from digging.我願意我是一個園丁,在花園裡掘地。誰也不來阻止我。
Just as it gets dark in the evening and my mother sends me to bed,天色剛黑,媽媽就送我上床。
I can see through my open window the watchman walking up and down.從開著的視窗,我看得見更夫走來走去。
The lane is dark and lonely, and the street-lamp stands like a giant with one red eye in its head.小巷又黑又冷清,路燈立在那裡,像一個頭上生著一隻紅眼睛的巨人。
The watchman swings his lantern and walks with his shadow at his side, and never once goes to bed in his life.更夫搖著他的提燈,跟他身邊的影子一起走著,他一生一次都沒有上床去過。
I wish I were a watchman walking the streets all night, chasing the shadows with my lantern.我願意我是一個更夫,整夜在街上走,提了燈去追逐影子。
簡單的英語小詩歌欣賞:長者 Superior
MOTHER, your baby is silly! She is so absurdly childish!She does not know the difference between the lights in the streets and the stars.媽媽,你的孩子真傻!她是那末可笑地不懂得事!她不知道路燈和星星的分別。
When we play at eating with pebbles, she thinks they are real food, and tries to put them into her mouth.當我們玩著把小石子當食物的遊戲時,她便以為它們真是吃的東西,竟想放進嘴裡去。
When I open a book before her and ask her to learn her a, b, c, she tears the leaves with her hands and roars for joy at nothing; this is your baby's way of doing her lesson.當我翻開一本書,放在她面前,在她讀a,b,c時,她卻用手把書頁撕了,無端快活地叫起來,你的孩子就是這樣做功課的。
When I shake my head at her in anger and scold her and call her naughty, she laughs and thinks it great fun.當我生氣地對她搖頭,罵她,說她頑皮時,她卻哈哈大笑,以為很有趣。
Everybody knows that father is away, but if in play I call aloud "Father," she looks about her in excitement and thinks that father is near.誰都知道爸爸不在家,但是,如果我在遊戲時高聲叫一聲“爸爸”,她便要高興地四面張望,以為爸爸真是近在身邊。
When I hold my class with the donkeys that our washerman brings to carry away the clothes and I warn her that I am the schoolmaster, she will scream for no reason and call me brother. [elder brother]當我把洗衣人帶來載衣服回去的驢子當做學生,並且警告她說,我是老師,她卻無緣無故地亂叫起我哥哥來。
Your baby wants to catch the moon. She is so funny; she calls Ganesh. [Ganesh, a common name in India, also that of the god with the elephant's head.]你的孩子要捉月亮。她是這樣的可笑;她把格尼許喚作琪奴許。
Mother, your baby is silly, she is so absurdly childish!媽媽,你的孩子真傻,她是那末可笑地不懂事!