a dog's life
The life of a dog is a dog's life.
It is pain. It is suffering and grief.
The life of a dog is a dog's life.
Full of fear and gnashing of teeth.
God/dog, dog/god.
Palindromes and dreams of nod.
God/dog, god/dog.
And all I hear leaves me agog.
So lift up a leg to the Hound of Heaven,
to the Great Dog Star in the sky.
Sit up and beg to be forgiven,
and let this sleeping dog lie.
God/dog, god/dog.
It's heady stuff, all cloud and fog.
God/dog, god/dog.
With feet of clay and mind in bog.
The Great Dog Star is our image;
he is made as one of our own.
He doesn't wear clothes and has a wet nose,
and thinks nothing of sucking the bone.
God/dog, god/dog.
Speaks from high: a monologue.
God/dog, god/dog.
In cunning plans, we're only cogs.
The life of a dog is a dog's life.
It is cruel. It is brutal and brief.
The life of a dog is a dog's life.
Thrown a bone to atone like a thief.
God/dog, god/dog.
Like unicorns and golliwogs.
God/dog, god/dog.
A chant easy as falling off logs.
To the Great Dog Star, pay homage.
And croon to a singular moon.
If the night is primal and savage,
obey and bay in good tune.
God/dog, god/dog.
I've seen machine and catalogue.
God/dog, god/dog.
A keen design to whip and flog.
God/dog, dog/god.
It sounds absurd, and awfully odd.
God/dog, dog/god.
Share the word and spare the rod.
So lift up your snout to the Hound of Heaven,
lift up your heart and growl.
Show your respect for the Hound of Heaven,
just throw a ginsberg and howl!
《My cat Tiger》
My cat Tiger was out all alone,
On a dark and stormy night.
He was lost and very far from home,
But tried to conceal his fright.
In an instant a giant storm cloud
Took him to a distant star,
Where he was met by a bizarre crowd
With faces as black as tar.
He ran for his life, not looking back,
But they were right behind him
Shouting, “let’s get him, on the attack!”
Looking determined and grim.
Tiger ran to the end of the star,
And had nowhere else to go.
Then off he flew, like a speeding car,
Into the ocean below.
With sharks in the water everywhere,
And a giant whale near by,
Tiger cried out in total despair,
And began to sob and to cry.
Just then my alarm began to ring,
What relief when I awoke!
And outside I could hear the birds sing,
And Tiger was on the oak.
The Dove J. Keats
I had a dove, and the sweet dove died;
And I hve thought it died of grieving;
O, what could it grieve for? Its feet were tied
With a silken thread of my own hand’s weaving;
Sweet little red feet! Why should you die—
Why would you leave me, sweet bird! Why?
You lieved alone in the forest tree,
Why, pretty thing! Would you not live with me?
I kissed you oft and gave you white peas;
Why not live sweerly, as in the green trees?
鴿子 濟慈
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