Nowadays China is one of the world's biggest exporters and attracts record amounts of foreign investment.In turn, China's overseas investment reaches billions of dollars.As a member of the
World Trade Organization, China benefits from access to the foreign markets.But relations with trading partners have been tensive because of China's huge trade surplus and the rampant piracy of
goods.The trade surplus has led to demands for China to raise the exchange of Renminbi,which would make Chinese goods more expensive for foreign buyers and then possibly restrain the
exports.Currently, China has responded with a gradual easing of restrictions on trading with Renminbi.
目前,中國是全球最大的出口國之一,吸引了創紀錄水平的外國投資額。相應地,中國的海外投資也高達數十億美元。中國作為世貿組織的一員,因進入外國市場而獲益。但由於巨大的貿易順差***trade surplus***和盜版***piracy***商品的猖獗,中國和貿易伙伴的關係一直處於緊張狀態。前者招致了要求中國提高人民幣匯率***exchange rate***的呼聲,這將使中國商品對外國買家來說更加昂貴,進而可能抑制出口。目前,中國已採取了逐步放寬人民幣交易限制的措施。
Nowadays China is one of the world's biggest exporters and attracts record amounts of foreign investment.In turn, China's overseas investment reaches billions of dollars.As a member of the
World Trade Organization, China benefits from access to the foreign markets.But relations with trading partners have been tensive because of China's huge trade surplus and the rampant piracy of
goods.The trade surplus has led to demands for China to raise the exchange of Renminbi,which would make Chinese goods more expensive for foreign buyers and then possibly restrain the
exports.Currently, China has responded with a gradual easing of restrictions on trading with Renminbi.
China is a developing country with a strong sense of responsibility.We are ready to make contribution to promote win-win cooperation for sustainable development.A sound and rapidly growing Chinese economy is helpful for the economic development of the region and that of the world at large.With an average annual growth rate of 9.4% in the past 20-old years of reform and opening-up,China has succeeded in meeting the basic needs for food,clothing and shelter of its population and providing,on the whole,a moderately comfortable livelihood for its over one billion people.China's economy right now is in good shape,though not problem-free.Thanks to our macro-economic measure,the unhealthy and unstable factors in the economy have been brought under effective control.
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