Simon was an inveterate fisherman, well known for exaggerating the size of "the one that got away". But there came a day when he actually caught two enormous flounders. He immediately invited a few friends over to dine, then tried to figure out how best to serve the fish." If I use both," he told his wife, "it will seem ostentatious."
"Why not serve a piece of each?" she suggested.
"No, if I cut them up, nobody will believe I caught two giant flounders." Simon racked his brain. Then he had an idea.
The guests were seated at the table when their host strode in with a platter, holding the biggest flounder they'd ever seen. Suddenly Simon stumbled and fell. Everyone cried out in dismay as the fish crashed to the floor, but Simon quickly brushed himself off.
"Dear, " he called out to his wife, "bring in the other flounder!"
One stupid guy reads an ad about a vacation cruise that costs only $ 100.After he signs upand pays, the travel agent hits him with a bat, knocks him unconscious and throws him outthe back door into the river. Soon another guy comes in, pays his fee and gets the sametreatment
Fifteen minutes later, as the two are floating down the river together, the first man says, "Iwonder if they're serving any food on this cruise."
"I don' t know, the second guy replied. "They didn't last year."
A Japanese company and an American company had a boat race, the Japanese won by a mile.The Americans hired analysts to figure out what went wrong. They reported that the Japanesehad one person managing and seven rowing, while the Americans had seven managing and onlyone rowing. The American company immediately restructured its team. Now they had onesenior manager, six management consultants and one rower.
In the rematch the Japanese won by two miles. So the American company fired the rower.
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