Driving through the hill country of Texas,just north of San Antonio,we watched the sky turn a brilliant orange at sunset. At my wife's pleading,we stopped and walked up a hill,which turned out to be the top of a cliff. Before us lay the picturesque postcard setting we had been looking for
during all our vacation. Below was a large green valley circled by hills. Exhilarated by the tangerine sky, long shadows,and a slight breeze carrying the scent of green grass,my wife suddenly shouted:“Thank you,Mother Nature,for so much beautyl”
Then, a distant voice was heard from across the valley:"No charge!”
I phoned my husband,Mike,at the car dealer's where he is a service manager. I wanted a copy of his house key and thought he could have one made on their key-duplicating machine. Mike was away from his desk,so I left a message with his secretary.
When my husband came home that evening,he had one question:"Why did you ask my secretary to make a copy of my key?" From his pocket he produced a photocopy of the house key,front and back.
" This is the book recommended this quarter,”announced my political science professor on the first day of class. "However,we won't use it much, because my primary purpose is to teach you to think.”
Angered that my hard-earned money had been wasted,I raised my hand,”You mean I just spent$22. 50 on a book I won't need?"
聽到這兒我感到很氣憤。難道我辛苦掙來的錢就這麼浪費掉了嗎?於是,我舉手問:“您是說,我剛花了22. 5美元買了本我們不用的書?”
" Good,"replied the professor with a smile."Your re starting to think already."
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