a patron in montreal cafe turned on a tap in the washroom and got scalded. "this is an outrage," he complained. "the faucet marked c gave me boiling water."
"but, monsieur, c stands for chaude - french for hot. you should know that if you live in montreal."
"wait a minute," roared the patron. "the other tap is also marked c."
"of course," said the manager, "it stands for cold. after all, montreal is a bilingual city."
你太晚了 You are too late
On a bus a man discovered a pickpocket's hand thrust into his pocket.
"sorry," he said to the pickpocket, "you are too late. MY wife did it before you."
It was the Christmas season and the judge was in a merry mood as he asked the prisoner, “What is your offense?”
“I did my Christmas shopping early this year,” cried the prisoner.
“There's nothing wrong with that,” said the Judge. How early were you doing this shopping?”
“Before the store opened, ”answered the prisoner.
A little old lady goes to the doctor and says, ¨Doctor, I have this problem with gas, but it doesn't really bother me too much. They never small and are always silent.
As a matter Of fact, I've farted at least 20 times since I've been here in your office. You didn't know l was farting because they don't smell and are silent.” The doctor says, ¨I see, Here's aprescription.
Take these piles 3 times a day for seven days and come back to see me next week." The next week the lady goes back. "Doctor," she says, ¨I don't know what the hell you gave me, but now my farts…although still silent... stink terribly.
The doctor says, “Good! Now that we've cleared up your sinuses, let's start working on your hearing."
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