半個還是十分之五Teacher: Would you rather have one half of an orange or five tenths?
Gerald: I'd much rather have the half.
Teacher: Think carefully, and tell me why.
Gerald: Because you lose too much juice when you cut the orange into five tenths.
Mrs. Brown was going out for the day. She locked the house and tacked a note for the milkman on the door: "NOBODY HOME. DON'T LEAVE ANYTHING."
When she got back that night, she found her door broken open and her house ransacked. On the note she had left, she found the following message added:
Like which bird best
In class, the teacher showed pictures of various birds. Then he asked, "What kinds of bird do you like best, Jack?"
Jack answered, "Fried chicken, sir."
One ear in and the other out
"Boy, why have you got cotton-wool in your ear? Is it infected?"
"No, sir, but you said yesterday that everything you told me went in one ear and out the other, so I am trying to stop it."
為什麼沒有牡蠣Why no oyster?
Customer: Waiter, I can't find any oysters in this oyster stew.
Waiter: Well, you wouldn't expect to find any angels in an angel food cake, would you?
注:angel food cake***天使蛋糕***指的是一種用麵粉、蛋白等做成的去脂圓蛋糕。
我帶了面罩I was wearing a mask
In a courtroom, a purse snatcher is on trial and the victim is stating what happened.
She says: “Yes, that is him. I saw him clear as day. I’d remember his face anywhere.”
At which point, the defendant bursts out, “You couldn’t see my face, lady. I was wearing a mask!”
青蛙The frog
The science teacher lecturing his class in biology said, “Now I'll show you this frog in my pocket.” He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a chicken
He looked puzzled for a second, thought deeply, and said, “That's funny. I distinctly remember eating my lunch.”
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