the mother of small Hao learning is of particular concern. Once, she asked me about the math test scores. "I heard that in the math test, Lolo got 95 points, how much you biennial exam?" "I'm a bit more than he." "You got 96 points?" "no, I got 9.5 points."
媽媽對小浩的學習總是特別關心。一次,她問起了數學測驗的成績。 “我聽說在這次數學小測驗中,洛洛考了95分,你二年生考了多少?” “我比他多一點兒。” “你是考了96分嗎?” “不是,我考了9.5分。”
baby wipe with a rag, said happily: "mother, I learned how to use the file!" "then you rub what?" "I just use it to wipe the table, cleaning the toilet, also grazed, is now ready to wipe the dishes".
寶寶拿著一塊抹布,高興地說:“媽媽,我學會用揩布了!” “那你擦什麼了?” “我剛用它擦過桌子,又擦了馬桶,還擦過地,現在正準備去擦碗”。
two solutions: the teacher said: "a long and a short, a fast and a slow, short born lazy, long busy run round in circles. Guess, what is it? "Tom said:" Mom and dad."
老師說:“一個長來一個短,一個快來一個慢,短的生來懶得動,長的忙得團團轉。猜猜看,這是什麼?” 湯姆說:“爸爸和媽媽。”
the father asked his son: "you are not afraid of ghosts?" "what's scary ghost!" the son said: "grandma said you are a troublemaker; aunt said you are drunk; mother often scolded you glutton, slacker; uncle said you are stingy. I every day together and you are not afraid, afraid of what!"
父親問兒子:“你不怕鬼嗎?” “鬼有什麼可怕的!”兒子說:“奶奶說你是搗蛋鬼;姑姑說你是酒鬼;媽媽常罵你饞鬼、懶鬼;叔叔說你是小氣鬼。我天天和你在一起都不怕,還怕什麼鬼!”
as a child with a bottle in the side of the road stood for a long time, until the police came and asked him: "little guy, why stand on the side of the road?" "my mother told me to come to buy soy sauce," said the children put on a long face, "she said to the car I can a horse road......"
一個小孩拿著瓶子在馬路邊站了許久,後來警察走過來問他:“小傢伙,幹嗎在馬路邊站著?” “媽媽叫我出來買醬油,”小孩哭喪著臉說,“她說要等汽車開過我才能過馬路……”
on the thirty, her father took his son with poetic couplet. He asked: "if I put down, you shout 'high'; stick up, you shout 'rich'." Standing on a stool, with a stick, and go to another. The son took half a day, said: "Dad, neither high nor fortune."
大年三十,父親領著兒子貼對聯。他囑咐道:“如果我貼低了,你喊‘高升’;貼高了,你喊‘發財’。” 站在凳子上,貼好一條,又去貼另一條。兒子瞄了半天,說:“爸爸,既不高升,也不發財。”
a bus driver accidentally put a cock ring small Ling Ling's death. The driver to get off ask Xiao Ling: "your parents at home? I put your home Rooster killed, is to pay for the damages." "You killed cock, has nothing to do with my mom and Dad, you to the back and discuss with the hens.
一個汽車司機不小心把小玲家的一隻公雞輾死了。司機下車問小玲:“你的父母在家嗎?我把你家的公雞輾死了,是來賠償的。” “你輾死公雞,與我的爸爸媽媽無關,你到屋後跟母雞商量吧。
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