Todd: Alright, Tennessee, you were talking about how you like movies.
Tenn: Yes, I'm a big movie buff超級電影迷.
Todd: OK. What kind of movies do you like?
Tenn: I kind of like, I kind of like most genres of movies, it's just, what I look for is a good story and good characters is the main thing...so even if I like the genre, if like wether it be science fiction or historical drama, if the, if the story isn't good then, then I, I don't like it at all.
Todd: OK. Off the top of your head, what's a movie that you really liked?
Tenn: Well, the Lord Of the Rings they've been doing, I really have enjoyed.
Todd: Uh-huh.
Tenn: They did a good job.
Todd: Did you read the books?
Tenn: Oh, yes! It was one of the first adult books I read when I was in elementary school.
Todd: OK, well, what is the last movie you saw?
Tenn: The last movie I saw, Pirates of the Carribean.
Todd: OK. Was it any good?
Tenn: Ah, it wasn't bad.
Todd: It wasn't bad.
Tenn: Yeah !
Todd: Alright, thanks a lot.
Tenn: I like pirates.
Todd: You like pirates. What? You like pirates!
Tenn: Oh, yeah! You know, when you're a kid, pirates is the thing to be.
Todd: Yeah!
Tenn: "Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!"
Todd: OK. Alright. Thanks Tennessee.
Tenn: OK.
麥克: Would you like to go to the movies tonight?
蘇珊: Well, I just saw a horror movie last night. It almost frightened me to death.
麥克: Well, we could see something different, like a detective film.
蘇珊: I don`t care for a detective film. It also makes me nervous.
麥克: Well, a western, an adventure, a war, a violent or a science-fiction movie, which one do you like best?
蘇珊: A science-fiction film, I think.
麥克: Oh, sure we will have a son of scientist.
Favorite Movie
A: What's your favorite movie?
B: "The Grand Budapest Hotel." Why do you ask?
A: I was wondering what types of movies you liked.
B: Well, that's my favorite movie, but I like all sorts of movies.
A: Oh, okay, but why do you like that movie so much?
B: Because it has action, adventure, comedy, and wonderful acting.
A: How many times would you say you have seen it?
B: Too many to say. I watch it at least twice a month.
A: Really, you like it that much?
B: It's a really good movie. You should watch it.
A: Could I borrow it? I don't have money to buy it.
B: Yes, I could lend you the movie, but be careful with it.
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