It was a fine day. The trees were green, the flowers were red and yellow. A whitelamb was playing in the fields. At that time, a wolf came and caught it. The wolf wanted to eat the lamb.
The lamb said, "I'm thin now, please come to eat me next time."
The wolf asked, "What your name ? How can I find you next time?"
The lamb said, "I'm Clever. When you came next time, call out 'Clever, Clever, come to me! I'm coming to eat you' and you can find me.”
The wolf said, "OK, Don't forget to come. I'm going to eat you next time."
"See you," the lamb said and ran away.
A few days later, the wolf came, "Clever, where are you? Clever, Clever, come to me! I'm coming to eat you." The lamb said from the sheep-pen, "I'm in the sheep-pen, how can you eat me? I'm 'Clever'. Last time if I was not clever, I couldn't run away from you, youmight have eaten me. but now you can only go home hungry. Bye-bye."
The mountains in the south of Yunnan teemed with precious stones.
Since the mountains were high and steep. People could not climb up directly. In order to get the precious stones, the native people kept shooting at the monkeys, which were at the top of the mountains, with catapult.
Having been enraged, the monkeys, who were irascible and vengeful, threw stones at the foot of the mountain in groups. The stones thrown down were different in size, which people took home. After they threw off the common stones, what remained were the superior precious stones.
Falling down from heaven, the dragon landed at a remote village.
It wanted to find water in the villagers' houses, so as to fly to the heaven again. But he was driven out by the villagers who were beating drums and detonating firecrackers. The dragon rolled and tossed in the puddle at the entrance of the village, which was no more than one foot deep, a hope that he could soar into the sky with the help of the seeper. He could only fly to a height of one foot above the ground, though he had exhausted all its strength, because the puddle was too shallow.
The dragon crouched in the mud for three days. Its scute was filled with ants, and flies. When the rain poured down, in the tremendous clap, the dragon fleeted, like a bolt oflighting.
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