西部大開發***China's Western Development Policy***是中華人民共和國中央政府的一項政策,目的是“把東部沿海地區的剩餘經濟發展能力***surplus capacity of economicdevelopment***,用以提高西部地區的經濟和社會發展水平、鞏固國防。” 加速西部地區發展,是縮小地區差距、實現共同富裕的中國特色社會主義的本質要求;是進一步擴大國內需求、保持國民經濟持續、快速、健康發展的客觀要求;是改善全國生態環境、實現可持續發展的急切要求;也是維護社會穩定、民族團結和邊疆安全的迫切要求。
China's Western Development Policy is a policy madeby the Central People's Grovernment of the People'sRepublic of China. It aims at enhancing the economicand social development in the western region andconsolidating the national defense by using surpluscapacity of economic development in the east coast of China. Accelerating development in thewestern region is the essential requirement of the socialism with Chinese characteristics, thegoal of which is to narrow the gap between different regions and to achieve the collectiveprosperity. At the same time, accelerating development in the western region is theobjective requirement of expanding domestic demands and maintaining sustainable, rapidand sound development of our national economy. It is also the urgent request of improvingecological environment nationwide and achieving sustainable development. At last, it is thepressing claim for maintaining social stability, national unity and security in the borderregion.
1.西部大開發是中華人民共和國中央人民政府的一項政策:即“是中國政府制定的一項政策”,此處可處理為定語從句,譯為China's Western Development Policy is apolicy made by the Central People's Government ofthe People's Republic of China.其中過去分詞短語madeby...作policy的後置定語。
3.提高...經濟和社會發展水平:可譯為enhancing the economic and social development。因enhance前面是介詞at,故此處用其現在分詞形式。
4.縮小地區差距:可譯為narrow the gap between different regions。narrow作形容詞意為“狹窄的”,作動詞則意為“使變窄”,引申為“縮小”。
5.共同富裕:可譯為名詞短語collective prosperity。
6.擴大國內需求:可譯為expanding domestic demands。
Chinese people love pork so much that pork plays an important role in policy,concerns of the Chinese government. For China, the significance of pork is far more than an ingredient of Chinese cuisine. Food makes up nearly 33% of China's CPI,while pork at least accounts for 10% of food. If the price of pork continues to fall,the price of pigs will go down accordingly. Then farmers will start to raise less pigs,which leads to the decline of pork supply and finally results in a soar of pork price.To cope with the price fall of pork, the government normally will consider increasing pork reserve and give subsidies to the farmers who raise pigs to guarantee the pork supply in the future.
1.中國人如此喜歡豬肉,以至於...:翻譯時應使用so…that…結構,譯為Chinese people love pork somuch that...
2.遠遠不只是:此處可譯為is far more than。
3.持續下跌:即“繼續下跌”,可譯為continue to fall。
4.導致:可譯為lead to或result in。
5.提供補貼:可譯為give subsidies to。其中subsidy意為“補貼”。
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