Whenever I drove my old car over 55 miles per hour, it vibrated terribly, so I decided to sell it. My first customer wanted to buy the car,and I battled with my conscience over whether or not to tell him of the vehicle's problem. Finally I did the right thing. Expecting him to drop the deal,I was surprised by his reply.
"That's okay,”he said.”I'm buying this car for my daughter. If she complains about a vibration,I' 11 know she is driving too fast."
A fourth-grade teacher was diving her pupils a lesson in logic.”Here is the situation,"she said.”A man is standing up in a boat in the middle of a river,fishing. He loses his balance,falls in, and begins splashing and yelling for help.His wife hears the commotion, knows he can't swim, and runs down to the bank. Why do you think she ran to the bank?"
A girl raised her hand and asked,"To draw out all of his savings?"
On the first day of an American history class at Purdue University,the professor assigned five chapters on civil rights. The next day, he asked one of my classmates to name ten of those rights. When the student made no response,the professor said,"ALL RIGHT. Name five. "Still the student said nothing. Finally, the exasperated professor begged,"Just name one right you have as a civilian."
To a room full of laughter,the young man replied,”I have the right to remain silent.”
An aunt of mine kept a hat by her front door,and whenever the doorbell rang,she would put it on. If it was someone she wished to see,she would remark how lucky it was that she had just come in. If it was someone ahe wanted to avoid .she would say how sorry she was,but she was just going out.
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