

  What is your favorite cuisine? 最愛的美食

  Tom: Hi, this is Tom.


  Jess: And my name is Jess. I'm from the UK.


  Tom: Now, the UK is not famous for food but you've travelled a lot. What's your favorite cuisine?


  Jess: Ooh, I think my favorite cuisine would be Spanish tapas. I absolutely love it because I'm not the kind of girl who like to eat a big meal. I like to pick at lots of different little things, so for me tapas is perfect - a little bit of everything. I know you've travelled a lot Tom. How about you? What's your favorite cuisine?


  Tom: I like tapas for the strong flavors, but spicy food really gets me: food in Thailand and in India, that strong ... and also sour flavors of lime and lemon grass. Give me a spicy soup and that hot food and I'm in heaven.


  Jess: Sounds delicious. I'm getting hungry now.


  Do you take time to dress up every day? 你每天都花時間打扮嗎?

  Vitalis: My name is Vitalis from Uganda.


  David: My name is David from Kenya.


  Vitalis: David!


  David: Yes, Vitalis.


  Vitalis: The thing that I take personally time for dress up while going to school. Do you take time to dress up?


  David: Well, normally I take time to dress up but it depends on like if I've woken up early, am I late for school, something like that but, on a normal basis I don't take so much time to dress up. I just take whatever I can get, so that I don't ... cause I don't want to be late. Just dress up and make sure, like, everything is in order, then I leave my house and I head to school cause I also don't want to miss the bus cause apparently there not so many buses where I live, so I don't want to miss my last bus, which would be something really, but ...


  What are some chores you hate doing? 討厭做的家務

  Aiste: Hello, this is Aiste and Christophe. I'm from Lithuania and Christophe is from Belgium. And our question now is ... what chores do you hate doing? So, Christophe, what chores are very unpleasant for you?


  Christophe: I don't like doing dishes. I hate doing dishes.


  Aiste: Really, I didn't know that. Well, as about me, I really don't like washing windows. I think that takes a lot of time and the windows get bad dirty anytime after it rains and of course I like very nice and clean windows but washing them is really unpleasant.


  Christophe: That's why I do it for you.


  Aiste: Well, it seems we have to allocate our tasks next time.


  Christophe: So I wash the windows and you do the dishes.


  Aiste: Not always. Dishes is every day.


  Christophe: OK, we have a deal then.


  Aiste: No.
