


  A: Did you see that new horror movie?

  B: Yeah, the killer was completely unfeeling. He even killed old ladies!

  A: I guess some people just have a savage desire to kill.

  A: 你看那部新的恐怖電影了嗎?

  B: ,那個殺手真是慘無人道,連老太太都殺。

  A: 我想有些人就是由野蠻的殺人慾望。


  horror movie: 恐怖片,恐怖電影。

  unfeeling: 無情的,硬心腸的,殘酷的。

  savage: 殘酷的,野蠻的。



  A: That man is so ruthless. I hear he fired half of his staff on the last Friday before Christmas.

  B: I also hear he took all the money the company saved and bought a house in California.

  A: 那個人真是無情,我聽說他在聖誕節前的那個星期五解僱了一半的僱員。

  B: 我還聽說他拿了公司所有的錢,在加利福尼亞買了棟房子。


  A: Boy, that woman has a real sharp tongue.

  B: I know, she can say some really cutting and hurtful things when she is angry.

  A: 天哪,那女人真是尖酸刻薄。

  B: 我知道,她生氣時說出來的話很傷人。


  ruthless: 無同情心的;冷酷的;殘忍的。

  staff: 全體員工。這是個集合名詞,不用複數。

  sharp: 話語或脾氣尖酸的,尖銳的。

  cutting: 傷人感情的;尖刻的,挖苦的。

  hurtful: 傷人的。