In the Tropics 熱帶地區
Aimee: So Paul, what's the most memorable jobexperience that you have?
Paul: Hmm, well, I think the most memorable oneis the volunteering time that I spent in Australia. And I was up in the northeastern corner wherethere's a relatively small rainforest's. And I washelping with a research station that's located in the rainforest. So we do a range of differentthings, going from trying to control coconuts—coconut trees.
Aimee: Control?
Paul: Yeah, because, like, believe it or not, you imagine this kind of tropical paradises tohave coconut trees but they're actually very invasive and they're not native to that area. Andbasically, if you let a population of coconut trees to go out of control, nothing else can grow.
Aimee: Oh.
Paul: They drop their fronds, and they drop, obviously, the coconuts, and nothing else cangrow. So you basically lose a lot of the native species there. So we're trying to keep themunder control. There was also caring for bats that had been orphaned.
Aimee: Bats?
Paul: Sometimes they're born with physical disabilities that mean they can't survive in thewild.
Aimee: Like a sanctuary then.
Paul: Yes. Just like a sanctuary, yeah. So they take care of—
Aimee: What size of bats, like any other—
Paul: Fruit bats.
Aimee: What size are they?
Paul: They're pretty, like, once they spread—they're like little monkeys with big wings.
Aimee: Yeah. So what's their wing span then?
Paul: Let's say, maybe, I guess up to probably 4 feet. Does that sound too much?
Aimee: So about a meter?
Paul: Yeah. Some of the big dudes, they got huge wingspan.
Aimee: Oh, the only bats I've seen in real life are really tiny. They're just like mice.
Paul: Oh, the micro-bats.
Aimee: They're like little birds, you know. You see them flying around and you think, "Oh that'sbirds." No, they're bats. So these guys sound pretty big.
Paul: Hmm, but they're completely like omnivorous. They only eat fruit, so like, they really—
Aimee: Do they eat the coconuts?
Paul: Well, the coconuts are kind of tough for them to get into. You need to be able to make ahole, I suppose, to get that.
Aimee: Of course, yeah.
Paul: But they eat all, mostly like fleshy fruits; apples or whatever they can get really—berries. They're really important for spreading—because obviously they eat the flesh of the fruit butthey don't eat the seeds. So they just kind of pass through them and they're really useful fordispersing seeds. So rainforest regeneration, they're very important animals.
Aimee: So they're like the big bumble bees of the rain forest, then.
Paul: Yeah. I guess you could look at it like that, yeah. So yeah, that was an interestingvolunteering kind of odd job that I had, I suppose.
Aimee: Yeah. Essentially yet really cool.
Paul: I really like to go back there someday.
Single's Day 單身節
Rory: Have you heard about Singles Day in China?
Abidemi: No, I'm not really sure. Can you explainwhat that is about?
Rory: So this is a new holiday that has been createdfor single people.
Abidemi: Wow!
Rory: And so on this day people don't buy presents for somebody else. They buy presents forthemselves. They are celebrating being single, and it's been a huge success. Like the Internetsales have gone through the roof. So I guess companies just look for a time of year wherethere is maybe no holiday at the moment and try to create a new holiday.
Abidemi: That's an interesting idea. It sounds like something you would do normally anyway, right. We always shop for ourselves, so but, wow!
Rory: I heard actually that Mother's Day — this might be an urban myth — but it was createdby the Hallmark Card Company in America because there was a gap in the year that peopleweren't buying cards and so they created this Mother's Day. Everyone's got a mother.
Abidemi: That's true.
Rory: And if they create this Mother's Day, everyone's going to feel obliged to buy a card fromthem for their mother.
Abidemi: That's true.
Rory: And now it's ... I don't know if it's true.
Abidemi: But I say it's true because I think it's a huge hit in a lot of countries actually, and it'sspreading more and more to different countries every year, so these companies are definitely onto something. They know what they're doing.
Rory: Right. So what should we do? I can't boycott Christmas cause I love Christmas toomuch, but maybe we could boycott some of these other days.
Abidemi: Maybe, or just celebrate it in a way that's less commercialized. I guess we don'talways have to buy big things. What about quality time? Spending time with family, withfriends and just appreciating them in different ways than we would just think of just shoppingor gifts or presents.
Rory: Yeah.
Abidemi: Material things.
Rory: That's a nice idea.
Abidemi: Yeah. I think so. We'll save us some money, definitely, right?
Commercial Christmas 商業聖誕
Abidemi: So Rory, do you think holidays these days ... do you think they're too commercial? What doyou think?
Rory: I mean, they really are commercial aren'tthey? Christmas especially. It seems to start earlierand earlier every year, so now you hear Christmas songs like in November and maybe even inOctober, and the stores start to have decorations. It is too commercial? I don't know. I loveChristmas, you know. So I love all the Christmas lights, but there is a lot of pressure on peopleto spend a lot of money at Christmas.
Abidemi: That's true. I think I am with you on that. I love Christmas. I love everything thatcomes with it: the songs, the food, the family time, so I can't really complain about it, but Ithink the year, the calendar year, has just become one big holiday thing, where you start off, you know ... I don't know, you start whenever. December Christmas finishes and we're alreadylooking forward to Valentine's Day. Valentine Day finishes — Easter, St. Patrick's Day. So it'slike one continuous holiday coming up right after the other. So ...
Rory: And things like St Patrick's Day — when I was a kid — my family's Irish. We nevercelebrated St. Patrick's Day at all. I mean nothing. Didn't even talk about it. But now, all thepubs, and the bars, have promotions. The restaurants have promotions. You can buy greenbeer. People are wearing funny hats. It seems to me like completely a commercial holiday.
Abidemi: That's true.
Rory: It doesn't seem to be related to St Patrick at all.
Abidemi: That's true. That's true. Why do you think it's becoming more and more like that?
Rory: I guess just that companies see it — the way to sell more products.
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