A: Excuse me, Professor. I am going to miss next week's class.
B: Is this something that you could schedule for another time?
A: No, I have to do this; it's important!
B: Have you arranged for someone to take notes for you?
A: I've made arrangements with a friend to help me.
B: You know that I only allow one absence per semester, don't you?
A: Yes, I know.
B: Write down your name and the date on a piece of paper and give it to me.
A: OK, I can do that.
B: Well, have a good day off from class.
A: I'd like to talk to you about my grades.
B: Sure! What exactly do you have questions about?
A: I am worried that I messed up on a test.
B: Well, let me take a look at my grade book. How do YOU think you are doing?
A: I think I am doing great, except for that one test!
B: Well, your scores show that you could do a little better. What do you think you could improve on?
A: I think that I could study a little harder for tests.
B: Fine! Please remember that regular attendance is the most important way to begin.
A: Yes, I know.
B: I'm sure you'll do fine.
A: I was wondering how you are going to calculate our final grades.
B: Grades are based on many things: homework, attendance, quizzes, mid-term, and final.
A: What counts the most?
B: Actually I look at all of it and let's not forget class participation.
A: Do you grade on a curve or use percentages?
B: Homework, attendance, and quizzes are sixty percent; the mid-term and final are worth twenty percent each.
A: What if we miss something?
B: I will allow one unexcused absence; after that you need to contact me ahead of time.
A: Will you tell us if we are failing during the year?
B: You will be able to track your progress during the year.
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